Some years back, during our Shiba Inu and Jindo period our Jindo developed a terrible rash and wht with her licking turned into huge hot spots, loss of hair and everything. Our vet narrowed it down to a grain alergy, suggested we go to an avocado based food, AvoDerm. Within 2 weeks she stopped itching and chewing, and 6 months later all her hair was grown out. As time went by she developed a beautiful luxurious coat, never had another problem with alergies or skin problems. We realize that B's dont have the long double coats like Shibas or Jindos, but our philosophy is if it ain't broke don't fix it, so we have just continued feeding AvoDerm to our B's as we accumulated our pack. The main problem with it is, if we feed them as reccomended they gain weight, so we really have to watch their diet.
Hello, from Portland!
Well welcome. Who did you get Lacey from?
Welcome to the forum!
I also have mild allergies to dogs but I have not had any problem with our two B's. The only reason we stumbled upon basenjis was that we were looking at a hypoallergenic breed list. Looking back I'm so happy we did!! I haven't had many allergy issues with them, the worst being some skin issues with our pup's fur. I can handle that much better than itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sneezing, etcAdvise on living with a teen-B. Order is your friend, haha. Sense of humor is also necessary. As far as destruction goes, the best way to get around that is become a very tidy person if you're not already…..just an example of being trained by a basenji! Things I'm sure you've discovered in 5 months....
Welcome! Basenji World and Basenji Forums are wonderful places to be!
I have had some allergy issues in the past - can't do cats anymore, and sniffled for 12 years to keep a dog I loved.:rolleyes: Like MauiGirl, researching hypoallergenic dogs was one of the ways we got into basenjis. I've had no problems whatsoever with ours. We don't let them sleep in our bed (not because of allergies - just where we draw the line), but I regularly nap with them on the couch on weekends and have never had a problem.
Basenjis are the best dogs ever, and this is a great resource. Glad you're here.
Yeah, I can do the coach cuddle thing and Lacey loves to curl up in my lap when I'm on the computer. So far, so good I think limiting the dander that ends up in bed with me is a good thing for the moment. BUT Lacey is still training me and it has only been 5 months so it could be a different story in a year.
It odd that the people I meet are always surprised at how cuddly she is…until they see her in action. They pretty much melt if she leans against them. -
Welcome to the pack! Cruise through past topics and you'll find tons of information here. Post some pictures when you get a chance (we're all addicted to them) and feel free to share stories of you beasty's antics.
Welcome to the group . . . I'm new also, great fur people and good info,
congrats on your new companion also…..Baroooo to you from Nsana's Mom
Welcome to the forum! Please post some pics!
Hi all
I've just registered with the forum. I'd like to introduce, Lacey, my 8 month old b&w basenji. I adopted her 5 months ago and I can't imagine life without her
I'm looking for advice and input on how to live with a teen-b and make this stage enjoyable for both of us!Katherine!!!!!! Hello Welcome…I have been moving and haven't been on the site in a couple of good to see you and Zaire's big littermate on glad you joined.
Well welcome. Who did you get Lacey from?
Lacey is a Taji baby…she was the litter born right before the X-mas kiddies.....
Katherine, I need to have you over to my new place sometime so the girls can play now that I have a yard!!!!!!!
Welcome welcome!!
pictures are a requirement!!