• I have an 8m old Basenji, last week we hit a turning point, Indi has started challenging (I say come he runs away, I say no he does it even more). AND he has been a lot more snuggly. Some people say he has hit adolescence what else should I expect?

    How am I handling it? More exercise.

  • hee hee Sounds to me like you have a Basenji!

    I would say just increase training time {with rewards} and keep working at it.
    He's definitely reaching an age where he wants to make sure you are the boss dog.
    IMO, and I haven't as much experience as many here, a Basenji is a dog that you can NEVER say is trained. I think they are always in training.

  • And at 8 months he is really in that "teen" years (of course it lasts forever..ggg)… but JazzysMom is right, he is "testing" the water. With a
    Basenji you always have to expect the "un" expected

  • Go to a gentle obedience class, even if you have gone before.
    I would also get him into lurecoursing.
    The running will give you both a day of joy and you will bring home a very tired b.

  • Lure coursing is soon…right now we dont have one near us but next week we are moving somewhere that has it right in our town. I take him to the park for some good old running as much as I can. But I will start up the obedience again thanks for the advice!!

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