• So I took Ruby, Brando & Liyah to the vet today…Ruby & Brando for their annual visits (they both needed Lyme and heartworm done). Liyah needed her rabies shot.

    I brought Liyah in first. Her last visit was very bad - the vet I normally have was on vacation and this other guy had zero people skills or dog skills that I could see...whole other story on that. When Liyah got inside, she was her usual super happy confident little self...I was relieved that she didn't have any bad association from her previous visit. The vet tech came over to give her her shot and I picked her up, it was all I could do to hold her because she was so excited to meet this person. I seriously thought she was going to yodel while getting her shot (she had that face she has when she sings :D:D)...she never even noticed that she had the shot...and was wagging her tail and had super happy ears the whole time. While we were working out what the adults needed Liyah was lying down on the floor by the front desk eating her biscuit...she was so chill! :D:D So what I thought was my one worry ended up not being one at all! Yay, Liyah!

    Next in was Ruby...she was fine in the lobby and while getting weighed...they put us in a different room than we normally go in...immediately her tail went down. I let her off lead in the room so that she could run around...she was definitely a little nervous, but she looked out the window, sniffed a lot and her tail was back up. As soon as the vet (our normal vet) came near the door - on the other side, Ruby started to growl. I was shocked! When the vet came in, she really started to growl and retreated under my legs as I was sitting down. The vet was shocked because Ruby loves this vet and she loves Ruby...she's never been anything but a little angel at other visits. She bent down to talk with Ruby and Ruby looked like she was starting to be ok with her...well she put her hand out to let Ruby sniff it and Ruby tried to bite her. Not good. She suggested I put her up on the table. So I did that...Ruby is growling the whole time and looks really upset...there was no way the vet could get near her. I had to put a muzzle on her so she could get her vaccines and have blood drawn...growled on the blood draw, a little less on the first vaccine, not at all on the second vaccine. :(:( The vet was thinking it was because there was a euthanasia in that room an hour before our appointment...that was all she could think of. The vets comment was that Ruby definitely had a feeling something else not good was going to happen today. So then to make it even stranger...I pick Ruby up off the table and put her on the floor and take the muzzle off. The vet goes to get a treat for me to give her, and the second she grabs the bag, Ruby runs over and jumps up on her...all happy, like she normally is...it was so weird...instant on happy Ruby. The vet said she had never seen a dog to a complete 360 like that. She continued to feed Ruby treats and pat Ruby, no problem. I plan on bringing Ruby for purely social visits.

    Next up Brando...I bring Ruby out to the car, get Brando and bring him in. He is the chill guy that he always is...happy, confident. In the exam room (same one Ruby was in), he was fine, no different, I put him up on the table, she checks his teeth checks his heart, everything...same as always, no problem. She goes to give him a vaccine and he tries to bite her too...his was definitely more of a warning! She tries it again...same result. We are both shocked...this isn't the same Brando. I have to muzzle him too. 😞 As soon as he was done, same exact reaction to Ruby...runs to the vet, very friendly normal Brando. I'm bringing him back for social visits as well.

    The vet told me that as much as we were shocked it happened, that I shouldn't be upset as she is definitely not worried about them...there was just something off about today. This practice has a bunch of basenjis in it and they always comment about mine being the nice basenjis! Not today! 😞

    So what do you think...anyone ever have anything similar happen? Do you think it could have been because of the euthanasia?

  • They being very sensitive definitely sensed something.

  • @renaultf1:

    The vet told me that as much as we were shocked it happened, that I shouldn't be upset as she is definitely not worried about them…there was just something off about today. This practice has a bunch of basenjis in it and they always comment about mine being the nice basenjis! Not today!

    Wow, that is weird, particularly because both Brando and Ruby behaved that way…suggests they both sensed something was "off". Was that vet the one that performed the euthanasia?

    The "mine being the nice basenjis" sounds familiar. For some reason, I have the "only" nice ones too. I got a lecture about Zoni so that she "turns out nice like Nemo". They have a few other basenjis in their practice and apparently can't touch any of them.

    Hope your next visit goes more smoothly.

  • It *may be the euth…but I think it is more probable that they have done the 'vet thing' enough times that they know the doc is going to do something ouchy, and they are trying to tell her 'don't'. And they also know the cues for 'we are done now'

    I always hold my dogs' heads during the exam and shots. I also always muzzle Ivy for blood draw.

    I think social visits are the perfect solution. Don't worry too much about it...nobody likes getting shots!!

  • @Nemo:

    Wow, that is weird, particularly because both Brando and Ruby behaved that way…suggests they both sensed something was "off". Was that vet the one that performed the euthanasia?

    The "mine being the nice basenjis" sounds familiar. For some reason, I have the "only" nice ones too. I got a lecture about Zoni so that she "turns out nice like Nemo". They have a few other basenjis in their practice and apparently can't touch any of them.

    Hope your next visit goes more smoothly.

    Thanks Nemo!

    No, she wasn't the one that actually did the euthanasia…but she was around the dog after it passed...

    Yes, same exact thing about the other basenjis in the practice...mine are the only ones (up to this point) that are friendly and easily touched. I hope mine haven't crossed into the "other" category now. 😞

  • @Quercus:

    It *may be the euth…but I think it is more probable that they have done the 'vet thing' enough times that they know the doc is going to do something ouchy, and they are trying to tell her 'don't'. And they also know the cues for 'we are done now'

    I always hold my dogs' heads during the exam and shots. I also always muzzle Ivy for blood draw.

    I think social visits are the perfect solution. Don't worry too much about it...nobody likes getting shots!!

    Geez…say it ain't so! 😞 For once, I hope you AREN'T right. The vet thing has always been so easy in the past. I could maybe understand one of them acting up, but it was so weird that both of them behaved that way. I was especially surprised at Brando...nothing really phases him and up until the shot he was acting completely comfortable.

    I'm wondering if I should go back to taking them to the vet on separate days. Normally I do separate days for each dog even though the vet is 45 minutes away.

    But I do hear you about shots...and I hate shots...and hate going to the doctor period...;);)

  • If it has not been a problem in the past, then I would lean more toward the euthanasia having an impact. I wonder if she was the one who did the euthanasia. If so the smell may also have been on her.

    As for the dramatic turn when she went to get a treat. Most of us here have heavily conditioned our dogs to the cues that a treat is coming.

  • @lvoss:

    If it has not been a problem in the past, then I would lean more toward the euthanasia having an impact. I wonder if she was the one who did the euthanasia. If so the smell may also have been on her.

    As for the dramatic turn when she went to get a treat. Most of us here have heavily conditioned our dogs to the cues that a treat is coming.

    Lisa…I so hope you are right...it has definitely never been a problem before. When they've had vaccines before from her, they never even act like they notice that they've had a shot (I asked how that could happen and she said she uses the chihuahua size needles on them :D:D).

    Something was definitely weird because it started before the vet entered the room...she was on the other side of the door with the door closed when Ruby started to growl. No, she said she wasn't the one that did the euthanasia, but she was around the dog after it had passed and was in the room right after it happened. And with Brando, I forgot to say that after his regular exam she drew his blood and he was fine. It was when she went to give him his vaccine that he tried to bite and then had to be muzzled.

    I guess I would have thought that since Ruby was so upset during the exam that she wouldn't have even wanted food from her...so I was pleasantly surprised.

  • Well the fact that both accepted the food, to me means "No harm, No foul"… like all was forgiven... best IMO not to obsess over it... it was done, its over... and taking them for just visits is a great idea... I have recommended that to others to help with the "Vet fear"....

  • @renaultf1:

    Thanks Nemo!

    No, she wasn't the one that actually did the euthanasia…but she was around the dog after it passed...

    Yes, same exact thing about the other basenjis in the practice...mine are the only ones (up to this point) that are friendly and easily touched. I hope mine haven't crossed into the "other" category now. 😞

    I doubt they are in the "other" category given that they have been fine before. A one time event isn't a pattern of behavior so don't stress out too much about it. 🙂

  • Both my dogs know when we are getting close to the exit for the vet. When our car goes on the exit ramp… well, they FREAK out and make their little noises and pace. We get out and I give them a few minutes to potty before going in to the vet.

    They do pretty well going in-- although they pull pretty heavily on the leash. Both are constantly trying to pull towards the door to leave once we get inside.

    There was one vet they both liked. And one vet that they both dislike. Well, I think Lexi is indifferent to the Dr. S. But Miles HATES him. They used to do okay when placed on the table...

    Lexi will tolerate most shots. She resists the ones that go in the nose though. But she's never growled or given hackles. She just looks for me while the techs hold her. So I try to stand where she can see me. She gets her cookie and she's good to go. She's also very ready to leave.

    Miles was okay the first couple times I took him to the vet. But he got wise to the shots and really doesn't like Dr. S. (we're switching soon, no worries) Dr. S has done blood draws and an eye surgery on him. I think he just knows Dr S = pain. Plus, I don't know about any of you guys, but I get allergy shots quite frequently. So many, that if the nurse puts the needle where one has already been before (pretty much every time now), it HURTS really badly. I know vets typically put the shots on the shoulders and bottoms-- I wonder if this could also happen to them... that sometimes it just hurts much worse than other times.

    As for the change in attitude, Miles will growl ferociously (teeth beared and tongue activated) while muzzled and getting shots. As soon as he knows he's done and he gets down, he's completely back to normal. He takes he treat nicely and is back to his regular self. For my dogs, I think they know when they get the treat, everything is okay and there's nothing to worry about anymore.

    They're certainly not bad dogs... And if it wasn't a common problem, they wouldn't have muzzles in each room. 🙂

  • BDawg…thanks...the next real vet appointment will tell me which member on the forum was right. :D:D:D I'm going with the thought that it was a one off because of the euthanasia (hey, I'm an optimist :D). In the meantime, I'll just do a couple of social visits.

    BTW, mine don't react to going in the driveway or door of the vet...so I think I'm lucky there. The only shots they've ever had have been regular vaccines.

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