• as I was growing up, my parents and I raised basenjis. haven't owned one for about 20 yrs but I still miss them:( . can tell alot of stories about them. some day would like to own [can't say own because they own you] again. love their attitude and antics:eek:. glad i found this web site.

  • Welcome, and please share your fond memories. I often wonder if the B's from 20 plus years ago acted the same way they do today.

    Care to share what breeding lines and how your parents "found" their 'senjis?

    I see you're in Packerland. I'm near the border, but officially a flatlander. If you're ever in the SE corner of WI and need a Basenji 'fix', let me know. You
    are welcome to visit.

    Again, welcome kidsalisbury. Dawn from Waukegan (aka Snorky998)

  • Welcome 🙂 I am from Wisconsin as well, where are you located? I am in Kiel, about 20 min from Sheboygan. Like Snorky said, if you are in the area, I would love to meet up as well!

  • @kidsalisbury:

    as I was growing up, my parents and I raised basenjis. haven't owned one for about 20 yrs but I still miss them:( . can tell alot of stories about them. some day would like to own [can't say own because they own you] again. love their attitude and antics:eek:. glad i found this web site.

    Welcome… did you have a kennel name?

  • Welcome to the forum! 🙂

  • thank you for the warm welcomes. I don't remember the bloodlines that we had, but Mom used the breeding line of ODDEAH [SPELLING?] which is apache for rear end of. We also had appaloosas on the farm. yes, I can tell you all sorts of stories of how Dandy found his way to our house after a fire, Missy punishing Mom, wanting to go for rides, and more. One of the bloodlines that does come to mind was about Teakatu's father was on the Johnny Carson show, and was on of the first Basenjis ever televised.

  • I am from southwestern Wisconsin and would like to find decendents of the parents, and to find out how they are.

  • Hmm, we have a very large data base site for pedigrees and I find nothing under that kennel name or under Teakatu? Could be be under a different name? Was that used for registration? Do you remember any other of the dogs registered names? The site is http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com if you want to seach.

  • Are you going to get another b?

  • when i have a house and not an apartment then i would like to get another basenji. I think my present husband and a basenji would get along great. They have pretty much the same attitudes:rolleyes: I think Teakatu was the name we gave her. I think her real name was Rose something. also when i get another b i would have to get two, just to keep the other busy or maybe they will think of things together to get into

  • Welcome. Im in badgerland too. At the mad city.
    BaMicas mom

  • I found the two main b's that we raised. Little Dandy of Ohdiah {Dandy} and Kingmen Sailors Sunset Rose{Teakatu}. Thank you for the link.

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