• My niece – the one with the three pits -- has a nutty neighbor who complained that the dogs barked too much at her and scared her "WHEN I WAS TRYING TO CLIMB THE FENCE TO GET INTO YOUR YARD." WTH???????

    This woman's husband also had to go to jail........ after shooting at my niece's dh while he was using a weed-whacker in the bushes in their back yard.
    The nutjob claimed that he only shot because Mike didn't answer him when he called out and asked what he was doing.


  • Oh, and YAY YAY YAY!!! That Jack is finally home!

  • I'm so glad. A house just isn't a home without a basenji, or two, or three.

  • Hooray! I can't even imagine being separate from mine for two weeks! Welcome home Jack!!!

  • Good news!

  • I am so glad you got Jack back! YAY! Have fun with your boy. 🙂 i have taken up bike riding with Fender, it was scary at first but now I just yell LEFT when I want to turn and he prances left. 🙂

  • Yay – hooray -- yippee!
    I hope you've given him a suitable welcome home party 🙂

  • Yay! Glad to hear Jack is home safely and that he didn't seem to suffer any setbacks by being away from home. Be careful until you can get moved. Looking forward to reunion pictures.

  • Its funny because he is being TOO GOOD lol. Like "PLEASE Mom, DONT send me back to Jail I promise Ill be good!!" LOL. No set back thus far. We went to the Dog Park today, He had a BLAST stretching his legs and He has been SOOO Pampered by his "Mamaw" (my mom is here visiting) and me and Aiden. In fact, He LOVES the attention from his Mamaw a little more than me i think, lol. He even got his toes painted today (we all did…not Aiden tho) Jack was embarrassed at the Dog Park Im sure! LOL. Ill be posting pics VERY soon I Promise!!! THANKS

  • So glad to hear he is back and doing well. I am also glad that with everything y'all will be moving soon. It's never easy to live with crazy neighbors.

  • So glad that he is back with his family…congratulations!!

  • Hooray! Jackers is back home!

  • So glad to hear that all is well. Congratulations on having Jack back!

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