My name is not …
Laugh…no problem..I seldom correct folks re the last name...
Heavens..I am just happy they talk to me at all!
Laugh. -
I have a friend (yes I do have a friend) whose name is Su (without an e). We are in a couple of the same organizations and pretty active. For whatever reason - when people meet us as a unit - Su and Diana or Diana and Su. They then have decided who belongs to what name and are seldom right.
My friend Su has been accused of taking a dog draped around her neck to a football game. My minister told her that he just bought some chili from her husband (it was mine). Someone even called and raged at her husband on the phone thinking it was me. I had someone call me to tell me what horrid things 'my' twin boys were doing in the neighborhood - her boys. It's so bady that our kids call the other Auntie. I should say other than being close to the same age (she's older of course) we don't even look alike.
We frequently do nametags now that try to clear it up. Mine reads Diana - with a circle and a line through it for NOT. and hers Diana and Not. -
Well my neighbor came to the party with a card addressed to "Jill" so I laughed and told her "Cynthia, I got to tell you, my name is Jenn not Jill" She was slighlty embarassed and said that she and her husband were back and forth on it for a while. Her daughter always called me that so she thought it was correct! We had a good laugh about it and she stayed till the end of the night hanging out, I really had a great time with her!
Thank you all for the congrats, I have worked hard and need to keep working hard so that I can finish up these last ten classes for my BA in Sociology and a minor in Criminal Justice. Don't ask me what I am going to do with it because I have no clue! I am actually a Navy supply logistics person by trade but want to change my career. Social work seems to interest me but the pay is so low, I don't want to carry a gun so there goes law enforcement (plus I am too old for a lot of programs).
Thats great that you got your issue resolved :)
Another funny name story…
Like I said, I am a teacher, and two years ago I had a student named Phui Pheng. Pronounced Poo Ping. Well, you can imagine how that went over in middle school, the poor guy was called "pooping" all year long! And it was hard because we couldn't really correct anyone because thats really how you say it, you just put the emphaisis on the Ping, rather than the Poo. I felt horrible for him, what a thing to have to live with! -
My real name is Elena, but sometimes I go by Ellie. I am a dental hygienist, so I am always introducing myself to people. I'll say "My name is Ellie" and the people always seem to call me "Sally". So I started going by Elena again once I started working at a new office.
Yes, this is a funny thread…course with a name like Hurlbut you do have to have a good sense of humor.
Poor Poo! -
my last name is dolbow (DOLL-BOW).. but whenever telemarketers call.. its constantly its DALbow. where did the A come from?!
its not gonna get better either.. dan's last name is Haaf. pronounced like Half, but no L. he will SPELL it to people over the phone H-A-A-F and they always repeat H-A-F-F.. i mean come on! open your ears! lol
There was a wonderfully talented person at a community college who modified materials for students with disabilities. I needed to call this person to set up a meeting with a Congressman I worked for and had to call ahead cause I didn't know how to say his name = they said just like it sounds…....... BoyToy.
OH, I love that!
Was he?? -
CONGRATS!!!!on you degree acomplishments!!!! As far as your name goes I would sit everyone…your family and the neighbors...down and make them all understand your name right then:)