• Oh man – lots and lots of prayers for you and Wily.

  • I think the fact that the dog walker is not even calling you makes it worse. I hope he is bonded. :mad:

  • Wily was chasing Tyler around the park like crazy last Friday – that's the last I saw of him or the walkers.

    I'll look for them on Monday during their regular hours.

  • Hoping for a positive outcome for you Wily.

  • Saying prayers for a good recovery for Wily.

    We know a man who used to bring his injured lab, very crippled in the rear, to the beach. At first the dog really couldn't walk so he carried him to the water with a life jacket on, and supported the dog as they went up and down in the water. Gradually the dog could swim with the vest on, and got strong enough to take it off. That man worked many hours with his dog over a year, but the dog could walk, a bit strangely, and could chase a ball and swim like a normal lab. He had been hit by a car too. Of course spinal injuries are all very different, I hope Wily will recover and have a good life with you!

    Anne in Tampa

  • @WilysMom:

    hi all,
    thank you again for all of your prayers. our neurologist dr sammut is currently checking with vet-stem on stem cell therapy. she's actually worked with them before so that's a huge bonus.. keep your fingers crossed. anything to help our boy.

    thanks again

    I saw a show about the "Vet-Stem" company, and it looked promising. Mostly, they seemed to be treating dogs with arthritic conditions, but they had significant results. It seems relatively non-invasive. They draw blood from the dog, and the company isolates the stem cells. Then the purified serum is injected back into the dog.
    Sending prayers for Wily.

  • Oh how awful! I have no idea who Dallas and Dave are, but I hope they shape up and take some responsiblity. Certainly Wily will be in our thoughts and prayers

  • Rita, I just saw this thread. I am so very, very, terribly sorry that you and your family must go through this tragedy. Wily was (is!) such a beautiful, amazing Basenji. I'm sending all good wishes and karma to you all. Hang in there.

  • i just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for all of your well wishes. it means the world. we're staying as positive as we can be. it definitey goes in waves.

    no change in wily yet. he's still paralyzed from the waist down and it's been nearly a week now since the accident. we should hear from vet-stem hopefully this morning about the stem cell treatment. if approved, we'll go ahead with the procedure today.

    wily's resting right now at the hospital waiting. his appetite has been nil and he's on a low pain med/sedative b/c stronger pain meds make him agitated. not surprising - he is a basenji after all and wants to be in control of his situation. the hardest part is seeing him so out of sorts and tired. he shakes from the pain meds and is so weak. i took some photos but wont post them b/c honestly it's depressing, but i think it's important to have just in case.

    keep sending those positive vibes to our boy. and thanks again..

  • I'll be praying the stem-cell treatment is approved and helps Wily. Hugs to you all.

  • Every time I read about this it just makes me cry. Chad I hope you track the Dogwalker down.
    I'm putting my faith in the stem cell therapy and hope it's approved soon.
    Big hugs


  • Hugs and prayers for you, your family, and your little boy! I'll be thinking about you all day & hope you hear good news about the stem-cell procedure!

  • Wily and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • I'm really sorry for this happening to you and your kid. My thoughts are with you.

    I have a walker that has done dissappointing things with my dog as well and I wanted to murder her for it. Nothing like this, though. But when you come home and find out that your dog is limping and has been in a fight and has holes in his leg from it, you tend to get a little bent about it. Especially after telling your walker to specifically keep him away from other dogs and people.

    It's very hard to trust people with those you care about the most…

  • Thinking good thoughts for Wily - I hope everything turns out ok.

  • Still sending pawsitive thoughts to Wiley on his procedure. I pray it's good news.

  • Do keep us informed.
    Poor little dog and poor,poor you.
    Hugs,hugs, hugs.

  • Has anyone heard anything on how Wiley is doing?

  • @lauralopez:

    Has anyone heard anything on how Wiley is doing?

    I am wondering the same. No news is good news, right?

  • This situation has been in my thoughts too, hopefully we will hear a POSITIVE update soon…what about the other people that go to the same place as this dog went, do any of you know anything?

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