• To everyone who's been sending well-wishes and thoughts our way, a quick little sad update.

    Rocky's disks between his spine have started calcifying. I camehome Monday night to him screaming in pain everytime he moved his neck. Rushed him to the doctor and after a series of x-rays, they found the calcified disks. Short of puting him on a heavy dose of steroids to combat the pain (which is not an option due to his kidneys and "starvation" mode when on any kind of pill), there is nothing we can do.

    He screams whenever he moves… we gave him a pain shot that should last 24-48 hours and today he is acting a little less sore and screaming less... but this is no way for my boy to live.

    He'll be put down Saturday morning. I don't want to do this but I have no choice. I can't let my boy live in pain just because I'm afraid to let him go. He's told me it's time... I just can't imagine my life without him.

    Thanks again everyone.

  • I am so sorry to hear it is time to say goodbye to him. All our prayers with you at this time.

  • I am sorry to hear that Rocky has had yet another tragedy strike. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Really sorry for Rocky and yourself to go through all that! You and Rocky will be in my thoughts!

  • I'm very sorry you are having to say goodbye to your beloved pet. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts as you both cope and say your goodbyes.

  • I'm so sorry.

  • I'm so sorry to hear the time has come for you to say to goodbye. I will be thinking of you both.

  • You are doing what is right for Rocky, soon he will be free and without pain over the rainbow bridge… hugs...

  • @tanza:

    You are doing what is right for Rocky, soon he will be free and without pain over the rainbow bridge… hugs...

    Our prayers are with you in this sad time.

  • Hang in there and know that you are doing the right thing for Rocky. I'm so sorry.

  • I'm so sorry you have to say goodbye to your friend. I really feel you are doing the right thing for Rocky. I put my baby girl to sleep just a month ago.. It was the hardest thing I ever did..

    You are both in my thoughts.

  • I'm so sorry for your loss.

  • So Sorry to hear this.

  • wow. It's so hard to know what to say because words certainly don't heal the heart. I'm sorry for the pain and suffering you are both enduring, and wish you strength on Saturday as you send Rocky across the bridge.

  • Prayers to you during this difficult time.

  • You are doing the right thing for Rocky by letting him go on Sat. You are right, he is letting you know it is time. I am so sorry for you, it will be difficult but letting go sometimes is part of loving something. You have been strong, and so has Rocky. You have given Rocky a good life, and now you have to stop the pain, it is right.

  • Rocky departed from this world today at 5:00 p.m. He screamed in his sleep the past two days… I couldn't prolong his suffering, nor mine watching him fade.

    Today was a good day. He was upbeat and the weather nice enough to take a long, long walk. And then we said good-bye.

    I will always love you, Big Dog. We will meet again.


  • I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace sweet boy…run those green fields at the bridge until your people come for you.

    It's our last great act of love for them....but never an easy one.

    I will always remember your Rocky on this day, my Dakota took his journey 3 years ago today.

  • He runs free and easy now, RockysWoman.

    Such compassion this hard decision takes. Such love. He knows…he knows.

  • Hugs to you RockysWoman.. you did what was best for him… and as said, he knows...
    Run free now Rocky... free of pain..... and with so many that have gone before him over the Rainbow bridge...

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