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28+ basenjis need rescued

Basenji Rescue
  • Zora is the brindle girl and yes, she is very scared, but is beginning to come up an smell hands, legs, hair. She enjoys milk bones and treats. She also enjoys fish oil. Zena is the one that recently had pups (8 weeks ago or so). She is coming around, but slowly. They are both great about going potty on the papers. They HATE the leash, but we'll work on that later. It seems that it'll be a long road, but they'll get there in time. We're patient and willing. They are so adorable. I'll post pix soon.

  • Susie is soo soo cute! I'm so happy she is doing so well.

  • @ssarlls73:

    I am fostering Zena and Zora. Christie helped me get them from Liz to MI on Thursday. They are doing well. They are scared, but eating well and seem to understand that the papers are for going potty. They've even begun chewing on a few toys and enjoying a couple of treats. We had to get them new collars as the metal was causing a rash to Zena's neck. They both have pretty new pink collars and new Fido Fleece coats. They have VERY thing fur and dry skin. They are so precious. We managed to get a few pix too today. I'll make them a dogster page too. We are going to the vet on the 5th to see how they are and to do a pre-op for getting them both spayed. Maybe Zora will have put on some weight by then!

    Thanks for all the support. Christie, you're wonderful! Thanks for your help in the transport.

    Oh it is great to hear from you. Those girls were just precious. I cant wait to see their dogstar page and see how they blossom.
    You are wonderful for taking them in and loving them.

  • @ssarlls73:

    Zora is the brindle girl and yes, she is very scared, but is beginning to come up an smell hands, legs, hair. She enjoys milk bones and treats. She also enjoys fish oil. Zena is the one that recently had pups (8 weeks ago or so). She is coming around, but slowly. They are both great about going potty on the papers. They HATE the leash, but we'll work on that later. It seems that it'll be a long road, but they'll get there in time. We're patient and willing. They are so adorable. I'll post pix soon.

    Ooh, Im sorry, I thought it was the other way around with the names. I thought Zena was the skinny one and Zora was the bigger gal. Sorry, still give them good pet for me :)

  • @Quercus:

    What an adorable face!!!!!

    I would definitely wait to spay her unless you must because of having an intact dog. It is certainly a more dangerous surgery when they are pregnant or in heat because of how much more blood is in and flowing to the uterus.

    Well…our dogs are not intact but my neighbors American Eskimo is. They assured me he would only be out to go potty and then back inside unless they are watching him. Susie hasn't quite figured out the doggie door so I am hopeful she will stay inside. I will call the vets office.

  • The breeders on the forum can help you with any/all the issues that you have questions on, re your girl coming into season.
    Hugs dear.
    I sure don't envy you.

  • Have any of the breeders on this list used Lasers re spay surgery?
    I understand that cuts down on blood loss a great deal..but have never had it used on one of my dogs.

  • Zena and Zora both have their dogster pages up. You can check them out through the following links.

  • Wow! I am amazed that you got coats on those girls. Bet they have never worn clothes before! Thanks for sharing pics. And thanks for sharing your home with them :)

  • Yes, thanks for sharing your home…. and I agree with Andrea.. I am so surprised that you were able to get coats on them... Way to go... and Kudos...

  • @ssarlls73:

    Zena and Zora both have their dogster pages up. You can check them out through the following links.

    I'm so happy for these two. They are so cute and precious and I'm so glad they are free - thanks to you, Suzanne. They look so adorable in their pretty coats. Thanks to you all for giving the rescues a chance for a happy life. :)

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Have any of the breeders on this list used Lasers re spay surgery?
    I understand that cuts down on blood loss a great deal..but have never had it used on one of my dogs.

    I have not used it, my vet does not offer it at this time. It is supposed to be much better because it cauterizes as it cuts so that there is much less blood loss. It is also more expensive because of the expense of the equipment and you may have to search around for a vet that offers it.

  • I wonder if my vet or someone in my area does.
    I will have to ask around.
    Just to have the info on hand.

  • To My Foster Parent

    There I sat, alone and afraid,
    You got a call and came right to my aid.
    You bundled me up with blankets and love.
    And, when I needed it most, you gave me a hug.
    I learned that the world was not all that scary and cold.
    That sometimes there is someone to have and to hold.
    You taught me what love is, you helped me to mend.
    You loved me and healed me and became my first friend.
    And just when I thought you'd done all you do,
    There came along not one new lesson, but two.
    First you said, "Sweetheart, you're ready to go.
    I've done all I can, and you've learned all I know."
    Then you bundled me up with a blanket and kiss.
    Along came a new family, they even have kids!
    They took me to their home, forever to stay.
    At first I thought you sent me away.
    Then that second lesson became perfectly clear.
    No matter how far, you will always be near.
    And so, Foster Mom or Dad, you know I've moved on.
    I have a new home, with toys and a lawn.
    But I'll never forget what I learned that first day.
    You never really give your fosters away.
    You gave me these thoughts to remember you by.
    We may never meet again, and now I know why.
    You'll remember I lived with you for a time.
    I may not be yours, but you'll always be mine.

    For the love of the animals for whom I’ve dedicated my life,
    Angela Portera
    New Orleans, LA

  • OMG - they're just beautiful - all 3 of them. If Fiji wasn't so new to us, I would take (especially Zora - her face just grabs me) in a heartbeat. Of course, I promised Karen at Medfly rescue I would be back there when I was ready to expand the family.

    Of course, my hsuband is still in the "people have TWO basenjis?!" stage :p even htough he loves our girl already.

  • She is so pretty! Dare I predict a "long term foster" (like our Eddie, going on 6 years now…)

  • That poem was so beautiful. I'm in tears! I am in love with both of my foster girls. AND today we made a breakthrough…I brought the girls into the living room and sat in the recliner with them for a bit. Twister, my youngest male basenji, jumped up too and sat with us for only about 1 minute. Hunter, my oldest basenji boy, sat on the couch ignoring us. I wish I could keep them both, and yes, Zora has a face that captures the soul. However, Zena has these beautiful big doe eyes that are just adorable. She is a little more outgoing than Zora, but they are both starting to show signs of being all basenji. They have started helping with the laundry...they like it clean or dirty! :) They like to shred and eat newspaper. They pulled my leather coat down and chewed it up today - no I didn't get mad. I left it there and shouldn't have! Oh well, it isn't the first time a dog has chewed up something I loved. They are consistant with the paper training. This is the hardest part of the rehab for me - potty training. Now that we have them consistantly going on the paper, now what? The socializing is going well and they seem to be playful. They are showing signs of trust more and more daily. They don't mind the cat either. They all sleep in the same room together. I don't think they will or should go to home with kids only because they are so shy and skiddish. Hopefully that'll change. Anyhow, thanks for letting me rattle on. Any advice is appreciated and welcomed!

  • PS: I have a friend interested in one of the girls, so if I can convince my hubby to let me adopt the other, that'd be awesome. BUT…with 3 of our own, these 2 foster girls and another foster we'll have until this time next year (or less time hopefully), I doubt he'll agree.

  • We tell folks to take new b's out to "go" ever 2 hr with a "special" treat in your pocket..cheese, nuked hot dogs, and when the dogs "go" then the praise and treats come down!
    B's are smart, and treats work on most of them…but I have not had a pm basenji, so am only sharing what I know.

  • Well, that sounds great. I just found that they like cheese. They didn't care for the Zukes treats and milkbones are too big and not an exciting enough treat. I'll start trying that this weekend. I wanted to make sure they were at least paper trained as much as possible "just in case".


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