Ready for a laugh? Run away toilet paper

  • So I was in the bathroom to pee (sorry a little TMI) and right as I pulled the paper off off the roll Tiggy grabbed it from my hand and ran. It was dangling behind him like a flag and he was holding his head high and proud of his accomplishments. Dave had said something to me right before this and my response (as Tiggy was running) "It's okay my toilet paper just ran away" :eek: πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ

  • lol too funny, I wonder what their attraction is to that?! Mia never did go for the TP, but Nike on the other hand I learned the hard way, as soon as I don't have my eye on him for 3 seconds, he goes and takes the whole roll (we have the one that just slides on) and then tears it all up, I had to throw away at least 5 full rolls, well now we keep that door closed at all time, little bugger. Too bad you can't have your camera with you 24/7 that would have been a funny captioned photo lol

  • EL D doesn't go for TP but he absolutely loves paper napkins or towels. One day I left the cabinet with paper napkins open as I was going in and out and pretty soon I hear this crinkling noise in the living room. EL D had grabbed the bag of napkins and tossing them all over the place! πŸ˜ƒ

  • @wizard:

    EL D doesn't go for TP but he absolutely loves paper napkins or towels. One day I left the cabinet with paper napkins open as I was going in and out and pretty soon I hear this crinkling noise in the living room. EL D had grabbed the bag of napkins and tossing them all over the place! πŸ˜ƒ

    lol again wouldn't it nice to have a camera at all times to capture that image, I can just picture him chaking that bag of napkins like it was the best toy ever!:D

  • Yea, Sahara is obsessed with TP, napkins, paper towels, anything paper, for shredding. I tell you she is better than my electric shredder, haha!!! We recently bought a brass TP holder that has a brass flap over the top of the roll while it is hanging. Hubby found it on ebay, I think it was from an old hotel or something, polished up,and it is beautiful and it has kept my TP whole as well. What this dog has costed us is Priceless!!!!!! Good thing we love her so much, haha!!!!

  • Basenji folks aren't usually to keep their toilet tissue on the roller, usually have to keep it on a high shelf so they actually get to use it. Other wise you just pick it up from all over your house. Basenjis are all addicted to it.


  • hahahahahahahah Mia LOVES toilet paper.. the bathroom door is almost directly across the hall from our bedroom.. the other night all we saw was a big white streamer floating across our floor.. lol she had grabed the ripped end and ran until it tore.. then went back for the WHOLE roll !! hahahah

  • The other day I spotted EL D sitting in the doorway of the bathroom, staring at the roll of TP. He hasn't ever touched the toilet paper before but it did make me wonder – he was also sitting in the sunbeams coming through the window -- I like to think he was really just enjoying the sun's warmth but who knows :p

  • Our puppy, Roo, loves to grab it and run. She has gotten a good 25 plus feet of several times.

  • Over thanksgiving last year, I went out of town for the week to visit my folks. The normal person that keeps my Basenjis was also out of town that week. My husband's sister volunteer to keep them. I tried to warn her of all the things she needed to put up and away. My guys are older and in a basenji proof house are ok left out (not crated) all day. She forgot to shut the bathroom door one day before work. She got home and they had gently pulled the TP from the holder and ran up and down the hallway making many trips folding the paper back and forth on itself. She didn't forget to shut the door again.:D They also took a whole box of facial tissue off the end table and shreded it. She said it looked like it had snowed in her living room.:p

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