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Roxy is 1 today

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  • Today's doggie walk

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    What a great place! You are lucky to have such a great place so nearby.
  • A-ha: Famous pop video from Norway 25 years old today

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    25 years….wow....that makes me feel old :) COOL song and video though :)
  • Bought a Caravan Today!

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    @Maya: Oh, i didnt know Sue and Jeff weren't coming over, last time i spoke to Sue (just before Westminster) everything was still on for them coming to Crufts. That is such a shame as i was really looking forward to meeting them both, but especially to thanking Sue in person for being the one who made it possible for me to have Maya! :D And i just adore Dunkin so i was really wanting to have a look at him in person… Maybe next year! I have a friend who was hoping to bring her pug over from Malta but wasnt able to because of the expense of bringing her into the country... I think JUST to get her into the UK was about ?1500... Thats crazy and a real shame. Yes, they decided after Westminster that the flight cost was just too high for this year, they are planning on next year. Works out for me, however since I am flying out to see Jeff that weekend
  • 3 cats 1 steak

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    AJs HumanA
    You nailed that one, vickilb. What these knuckleheads have accomplished is proving the theory that housecats are miniature lions and behave accordingly when proper stimulus is applied. On a lighter side, I had a kitten in 1986 named Mischief who came from a large litter. She was in the kitchen (only cat present) when I was making a ham sandwich one time, so I tossed her a piece of ham. She picked that one up, so I tossed her another…and another (she put her paw over it)...and another (another paw)...until she had a piece of ham in her mouth and one under each paw, including her back feet. She was splayed on the floor, but, by gosh, nobody was going to get her ham. I couldn't resist it….I tossed a last piece of ham onto the floor for her. With her mouth full and all four paws busy, she just gave me the most helpless look. Unfortunately, we didn't have you-tube back then. Great memory, though.
  • Rescued Dogs Pregnant with possible 1,500 puppies

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    No basenjis, all small "toy" breed and so called designer dogs.
  • No luck for me today..

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    Oh…I hate those days!!! I hope things are looking up soon!