Bought a Caravan Today!
I think i mentioned about a year ago that we were planning to buy a caravan… We've done it at last :D Its only a little old one, didnt want to spend a lot of money if we decide we hate caravaning :o But it is immaculate inside and outside, its obviously been really well looked after. And a lovely layout as well, sleeps 4 people which is great considering its only small :D
Isnt it cute?!
Here's some pictures i took whilst we were looking around, there were 3 or 4 to choose from so took some pics to look at when we got home, but once we saw inside this one we decided to buy it there and then!
Some pictures i pinched off the website… not the interior i'd choose lol But its clean and well looked after :) Im pretty sure Maya will spend her days sleeping along the back of the chair looking out at her minions :rolleyes:
Very nice… should really be fun.... In the US those are called Travel Trailers
We're on our 2nd caravan now. The dogs love it. We meet up with friends and have a great time. I'm sure you and Maya will have many happy times in your new van. :):)
Maya will love it, can you imagine her sat in like Queen Maya? :D
Unfortunately i cant tow it at the moment as i have to do a towing test.. Pain in the a$$. But once thats done i'll be up and down the country with it :)
I like "travel trailers", thats cute!
Maya will love it, can you imagine her sat in like Queen Maya? :D
Unfortunately i cant tow it at the moment as i have to do a towing test.. Pain in the a$$. But once thats done i'll be up and down the country with it :)
I like "travel trailers", thats cute!
Too funny, in the US anyone can tow anything… but you know, I agree they should have to have a towing test... honestly.. to me that would be a good thing... I have seen many driving them that are a real hazzard on the roads, particularly back to when I was hauling horses...
Don't know if you heard, but Sue and Jeff will not be coming this year to Crufts.. I know they are sad to miss seeing you and your girl... but the expense got to be too much.. They are planning on next year
Oh, i didnt know Sue and Jeff weren't coming over, last time i spoke to Sue (just before Westminster) everything was still on for them coming to Crufts. That is such a shame as i was really looking forward to meeting them both, but especially to thanking Sue in person for being the one who made it possible for me to have Maya! :D And i just adore Dunkin so i was really wanting to have a look at him in person… Maybe next year!
I have a friend who was hoping to bring her pug over from Malta but wasnt able to because of the expense of bringing her into the country... I think JUST to get her into the UK was about ?1500... Thats crazy and a real shame.
Here's hoping you have lots of fun in your caravan (travel trailer, here). Our b's love traveling and camping and I'm sure Maya will love it as well.
Your caravan looks lovely Jess, used to have one a long time ago.
So do you need to do a test before you can tow nowerdays (sp) ? -
I know Maya will be SOOO excited when we go out in the caravan, she will love it :D
Shelley - If you got your licence after 1997 (i think) you have to do a towing test to tow a horse trailer or caravan. I can go out and drive a 3.5tonne lorry on my licence, but not tow a caravan… Strange logic lol
Oh, i didnt know Sue and Jeff weren't coming over, last time i spoke to Sue (just before Westminster) everything was still on for them coming to Crufts. That is such a shame as i was really looking forward to meeting them both, but especially to thanking Sue in person for being the one who made it possible for me to have Maya! :D And i just adore Dunkin so i was really wanting to have a look at him in person… Maybe next year!
I have a friend who was hoping to bring her pug over from Malta but wasnt able to because of the expense of bringing her into the country... I think JUST to get her into the UK was about ?1500... Thats crazy and a real shame.
Yes, they decided after Westminster that the flight cost was just too high for this year, they are planning on next year. Works out for me, however since I am flying out to see Jeff that weekend