On Sunday, EL D was in another room when I heard a yelp and turned to see him come over with one front leg raised. I checked it and didn't feel anything broken and he didn't howl or anything when I touched it. He started walking on it okay so I thought he just landed on it wrong and he was fine after that. But later in the day he yelped a couple more times and same thing as before. The last two days he was mostly fine, running around, using the stairs, jumping off the couch, etc. but occasionally I would see him limping a bit on that same foot, he'd stop and "rest", then it would be fine. Last night when we went for our walk after work he started out fine, then began to limp slightly, then on three legs. I stopped and checked his paw - again nothing seems broken, no swelling, no cuts that I can see. I suppose it's possible he picked up a prickle (we have sandburs around here and I do have roses in the yard) and it went in far enough that I can't see it but it may irritate him when he steps on it. It doesn't seem serious enough or lasts long enough to take him to the vet (I will if necessary) so I was wondering if anyone could suggest anything to help speed recovery. Would soaking his paw in epsom salts help?