• lovemybaroo - IMO the best place to learn how to train positive reinforcement techniques is to enroll in a beginner training class that teaches you to train Baroo. I had no idea how easy training Duke would be until I learned the techniques - and timing is everything for rewarding the correct behaviors. I signed Duke and myself up at Petsmart. The fee was minimal for an 8 week course that you attend once a week. Yes, I had to commit to go to the classes and when I went, I enjoyed it. Duke enjoyed it. It was a good outlet, mentally and physically stimulating for him too. After the Beginner class, I worked on the basic techniques for a few months and then signed him up for the Intermediate class (another 8 weeks). I saw greater improvement with the second course. I immediately signed him up for the Advance course (6 weeks). I actually miss going to the classes now we've been done since October. I stayed with the same instructor who I thought taught positive rewards behavior very well. If I were you, I'd start there and when you feel you have the confidence to teach a second dog what you've learned - then - take on the challenge. Yes - it takes a strong desire to succeed and being prersistent and consistent. The whole family should be on board to maintain consistency and have the same verbal commands. Involving the family what and how you train Baroo would be a fun project - so to speak.

    I have added a second B-mix in my home - long after I felt Duke was trained and being a good obedient little boy. Life was crazy when we first got him though. People thought I was nuts getting another like him - but actually they aren't that much alike - Duke being the wilder, Daisy being the sweet little unsuspecting thief. They are both young and I am happy they have each other to romp around with in and outside the house.

    Just my 2 cents. You sound determined this time. Good luck!

  • Oh and I forgot to add - that in all three training courses, loose leash and heeling techniques were included. Every week we practiced walking on leash. With your instructor, he or she will be able to assist in your techniques. I bet you'll get one of those treat bags that clip on your pocket or belt and never leave home without it. 😃

  • You know, honestly, chances of him leaving you son's things alone, especially if on the floor or a place he has access to is slim to none, and IMO very unrealistic. And until you totally commit to making it work with the one you have now, I do not think it is a good idea to get another one… it could totally backfire... Remember you idea that "he" needs to know that this or that is off limits.. again IMO is a bit unrealistic... if you give him the opportunity to be in those places, he will....

    And thank you for getting him neutered... and NOT considering ever breeding him...

  • You're gonna have good days and bad days with them, just like with ANY pet. Last night I came home to an angry wife who said I needed to do something about "MY" dog (as in not "OUR" dog). 🙂 Sometimes we forget that yelling at her really doesn't teach her anything, either.

    We make the time to walk her (even on days we really don't want to), and sometimes just play a fun game of keep away to run her ragged. My wife and I are both confirmed cat people, and dogs (Basenji's or otherwise) are definitely not cats - they require a lot more attention than a cat does, and it's an investment in time you have to be willing to make. The turnaround is that you get exercise yourself, your house has to be kept clean (or stuff "disappears"), and you have a fun companion that makes this great baroo noise. It's worth it.

    Good luck to you both. I hope you can make it work out.

  • I should also mention that I live in a VERY small town in the middle of nowhere (we dont even have a Petsmart, let alone a decent pet store) so the chances of me taking him to training somewhere are slim and none, although I am looking around still. So thanks for that advice, but that isn't really an option. Anyone know of any good books on training?

    And as far as me wanting Baroo to leave my son's toys alone, this is more wishful thinking than anything else. It doesn't happen very often, and when it does it is because he is not getting the attention he wants right then. The little devil actual will chew up a toy right in front of me, and not because he wants to, but just because I am not letting him outside 20 times a day at the exact moment that he wants to be let out. (I sometimes put him outside when he has been bad, and he counts on this and uses it against me). He is too smart for his own good sometimes! Or maybe I should say mine!

  • I live in a town with no Petsmart nor Petco and yet there are several training options in town and in the nearby towns. Try doing a trainer search on the APDT website, http://www.apdt.com

    If you still have problems finding a trainer PM me with where you live and I will see if I can help you find someone nearby.

  • From what everyone tells me, that will make a huge change in him, which would be great.

    My experience is it made no difference in our dog's behavior (Boy). He still did everything he did before.

    Complaining about walking a dog in California is not going to gain sympathy when in Chicago I walk my dogs is sub freezing weather, freezing rain, sleet & Snow- no sympathy !

    As other said if you just remove the issue you remove the bad behavior (toys & Trash). You can't ever trust a basenji around trash or toys (in my experience)

    If your keeping her you all need to be on the same page, including the kids. I they leave a toy out and the dog destroys it, it's not the dogs fault, it's who ever left it there. same with food, trash tissues, killing small animals.

    They will do certain things if you give them the chance.

    You need to change your routine. Walking & training does wonders to make a Basenji less destructive.

  • Last week we had an Ice storm, snow storm and the temp dropped to 18 degrees!

  • I dont know where you got that idea from, I am not complaining about walking him here. Its not warm (as in about 40) but that is nice weather compared to some parts of the country. It isnt the weather I dont like, its that he is horrible on a leash, or I should say was. For the last 2 days for some reason he has been wonderful on our walks. It might be that I am trying harder to correct his unwanted pulling, but he walks great now. He doesnt even really pull when we walk by another dog, and he used to be really bad and just about drag me down. He is just a different dog when he goes for a walk now. I think he just knows I was going to get rid of him, and he straigtened right up!

  • Sorry for the miss understanding.

    It took a long time to get my dogs to behave on the leash. They would do perfect in train class, but then on walks act up & pull.

    Or Trainer told us that walks should on be for walking no sniffing. Potty breaks are different. Consistency is key with everyone walking the dog. Everyone has to be on the same page.

    Our dogs little by little learned that if the pretended to have to go potty they could get away with more & more sniffing. they worked me very slowly to get what they want.

    Again sorry

  • Amen… Consistency is the key... and be careful not to try and put human emotion on how your dogs act.. they are NOT human... they are only dogs... as much as we would like to think different...

  • We had to cancel our cable for about a month, and by the end of that time I had goober all trained up on manners. If your having problems forcing yourself to spend the time time to train your legendarily "untrainable" dog, try losing the tv for awhile.

  • Well, I really think that lovemybaroo's biggest problem is the baby/toddler, it makes for short time trying to fit in "another" child… and that is exactly what having a dog is, Basenji or otherwise...and regardless of the breed of dog if you do not spend time with at least basic training they will be the same and have the same issues as a Basenji... Problem with a Basenji is the minute you think "hey they got it"... they prove you wrong....
    People really need to think seriously on the committment to a pup, period...

    A few years ago I had a lady call me wanting 2 B pups.. when on to tell me that she was expecting in 2 months and wanted them asap so that by the time the baby came they would be trained and she would not have to spend much time with them and they could entertain each other and grow up with the baby... HUH??? ... I explained that it was really a bad idea and that I would not place pups with her because it was and would not be fair to her, her husband, the baby or the pups.... we did have a nice conversation... but I have no idea if she then went elsewhere and got pups.. I hope that I "knocked" some sense into her thinking...

  • I am so glad you decided to keep Baroo. We raised 3 children while owning 4 different dog breeds. Some of the dogs were chewers (the boxer and the lab) and some weren't. They all stole food from the children. One thing was for certain - the children learned to put their things up and guard their food a long time before the dogs stopped chewing and stealing food. Our boxer ate so many hunks out of plastic toys that pooper-scooping the backyard was easy - the poops all had brightly colored chunks of plastic sticking out like little flags. :eek: Now I babysit my almost 2 y/o and just turned 4 y/o grandsons one or two days a week. The 4 y/o has really learned to put his things up out of reach and to close the playroom door. The younger one hasn't caught on yet but I expect he will over the next year. (A dog can be a great educational tool - Mom or Grandma may or may not remove the toy that they threatened to take away if you didn't pick it up. The dog WILL eat it if you don't pick it up and there will be no 1-2-3 warning and no second chance! Kids learn that fast.) Meanwhile, my grandsons know what the squirt bottle is for (and so does Cory) and they yell for me to get it when Cory becomes too pesky. When I get really fed up (like at lunch time), Cory goes in her crate. Bottom line is that things will get better because either your child will learn or your dog will learn or both will learn….but things will get better. Of course, there will also be bad days. Friday, it was wet outside here and the two little grandsons and Cory were all in rare form and drove me nuts. At one point the "B500" took on a whole new meaning as I had two little boys and a basenji racing from one end of the house to the other. I was reasonably certain that my daughter was going to come home from work and find me either cradling a bottle of Capt. Morgan or a carton of Ben and Jerry….....or maybe both!!!

    Hang in there and good luck!

  • What a great post Pat… and you are right on... I love the "educate" part and that goes for adults also.... especially the pick up after yourself... or be ready to buy lots of new underwear!

  • Baroo has been much better about chewing up my son's toys lately. He never used to do it too often, just when he wanted something and I wasn't paying attention. My son is only 18 months old, so I am trying to teach him to pick up his toys, but he is still working on that concept. I have to say, my house looks like I have 10 kids living here with all the toys strewn about, but Baroo has been very good and hasn't touched one. I have been giving him rawhides to chew almost everyday, and he seems very content to just chew on that when he feels the urge now. It's like he just needed to know what was his and what wasn't because he used to get confused and thats when he would chew on things. He would mostly do it when he wanted to play and couldnt find his toy, so he would go for whatever was closest. I have gotten him more toys too, so that has also helped. I don't know what has gotten into him the past few days, but it is really like having a different dog! He has been really good and so affectionate. He thinks he is a lap dog more than ever now, and that is the only place he wants to be, and of course he is just too cute, so how do you say no to that? I am so happy we decided to keep him now.

  • Glad that it is going well and things will improve once you have him neutered also….

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