• Been a while since anyone wrote here, but I have to chime in. My B and my Rat terrier and my hubby, and me of course all share a queen size bed. My hubby leaves early morning and I have two loving dogs to keep me warm. And as someone said a while back, I don't have children yet, atleast not human children!

  • Both of mine must sleep between myself and my partner. They prefer being squished between the both of us. The more squished they are, the better (within reason of course). They are not allowed under the covers or on the sofa in our office. The are spoiled and pretty much permitted anywhere else. The squish factor is even more evident when it's naptime on the 'allowed' couch in which they like to be between the sofa back and my back. They fight for the spot sometimes.

  • My crazy Luke sleep with me since we brought her home…Yeah, she has her create and bed, but she loves mine bed the most...So we sleep together, and cheeses, sometimes she snore like an old drunk guy!!!!!!

  • Echo is behind my knees under the covers, Blue is a Daddy's boy and sleeps next to him under the covers but with his head out on the pillow. Merlin sleeps at the foot of the bed on his own bed, but at the first alarm ring in the morning hops up and goes straight under the covers for 10 minutes of snuggle time. Echo has been known to actually crawl into the duvet and get trapped. It's fun pulling him out a 3:00 in the morning. He always pops out with his tail wagging like he's wondering "how did that happen?"

  • Athena sleeps in her crate at night, luckily she likes it in there. She has a nice drape around it so it is dark and a puffy bed. During the day she sleeps on the couch, preferably next to someone, or on her garden window perch.

    We let the cats have the run of the house at night after spending the day in the back half. They are 13 an 19 and are DONE with dogs. They did their time when they were younger and pretty much refused any interaction with Athena when we brought her home. They consider themselves 'retired' from dog training.

  • Ziggy sleeps by my side, on top of the covers (which are hardly needed, in August, in Southern California). He seems to be a very sound sleeper; he'll wake up in exactly the position that I saw him in when we went to bed.

  • Topper comes to bed first and gets under covers by my feet, Eddie under, by my right thigh, and Nicky by my chest on the right, under covers. Unless someone comes to bed first and gets Topper's place, then all bets are off, they settle in all different places then. Usually everyone sleeps through the night.
    Anne in Tampa

  • Our Amber….


  • i have two - Anzi the boy is usually on his chair or in the corner with all his blankets - if it gets cold he jumps in bed when his sister lets him - Deja always sleeps in bed under the covers in the bed of my knee -when she gets hot she comes up for a bit of air and then back under she goes or she just keeps her head on the pillow!

  • ramsey sleeps on his bed on the floor but he used to sleep under the blankets in the bed at the end along with layla and caira always trys to sleep under the blankets with her head on the pillow like a human…..its definitely crowded in my bed

  • For those of you who have more than one Bs….Do any of them share the same bed to sleep (not counting YOUR bed 😃 )? Any share a crate? Seems like since there are so many pictures of the dogs napping together, that they'd also want to sleep together at night. We are considering getting another B and just wondered if they would want to sleep together.


  • We have three (just got our third about 6 weeks ago and ,,,yes,,,,,,I know I need to change my name to reflect that :)). They all sleep with us in bed and have done that since we got them – about two months apart. Our first two took about a month to 6 weeks to feel comfortable enough to sleep together in their same doggy bed but the wait was well worth it. It was soooooooooooo cute! We have MANY pics of them in all sorts of positions curled up together in there doggy bed.

  • Diego sleeps at the foot of the bed, or by my legs.. i try to make him cuddle with me but that usually only lasts a little!

  • @BasenjiDiva:

    For those of you who have more than one Bs….Do any of them share the same bed to sleep (not counting YOUR bed 😃 )? Any share a crate? Seems like since there are so many pictures of the dogs napping together, that they'd also want to sleep together at night. We are considering getting another B and just wondered if they would want to sleep together.


    Jazz and Keoki sleep together often during the day, but when she is in her crate at night, she gets N-A-S-T-Y if he tries to get in with her. I guess she figures that's the only place that is HERs and hers alone!

    My two sleep in their crates, doors open, but inside an ex-pen –-sounds goofy, but it's the only way Keoki will sleep all night.
    Sometimes he will try to climb in w/her,and then it gets LOUD!!! while she cusses him out. I have to intervene and go tell him to "Get back to bed!!", and then he'll give up and go quietly back into his crate.

    So apparently it depends on the individual -- Keoki would share at night, Jazzy will not.

  • @BasenjiDiva:

    For those of you who have more than one Bs….Do any of them share the same bed to sleep (not counting YOUR bed 😃 )? Any share a crate? Seems like since there are so many pictures of the dogs napping together, that they'd also want to sleep together at night. We are considering getting another B and just wondered if they would want to sleep together.


    Mine will nap together on the couch..some more than others. The two that sleep in our bed don't usually cuddle together, though..only with us. The rest of ours sleep in their own crates at night. I usually trust two dogs not to fight when closed in a crate together. I know there are plenty that are happy doing that….but I don't do it unless I can supervise.

  • @Duke:

    I don't know how old Cali is . . . for a dog bed in your room. I was thinking he same, would be nice. But Duke, being only 7 mos. . . He still loves taking stuffing out of everything. As long as he's not rebelling with our arrangement, I won't change it. I am hoping he'll be free from all barriers when he gives me the confidence in his maturity. (does it really happen?)

    I checked the prices on those dog beds - they're quite pricey. That's why I'm hesitant to buy one.

    My-O-my things do change. I posted this when Duke was 7 mos old. He's just about 2 years old now. Duke now sleeps wherever he wants, but then, he was secure sleeping in his crate. I trust him now to sleep wherever he wants. Both Duke & Daisy start out with me and my DH, then Duke slips out onto my son's bed.

    He doesn't unstuff his bedding anymore and sleeps during the day on his comfy-fluffy bed in his crate. Daisy sleeps wherever she wants at night, but still unstuffs a crate bed. She now has a crate blanket, still in tact. I tried a big comfy fluffy bed, but it's history - new just 2 weeks ago.

    Both like to slip under covers in the morning with me. My DH is long gone to work. (the extra warmth makes if harder for me to roll out of bed. :rolleyes:) Duke doesn't like Daisy to share his space. Daisy would love to cuddle with him, but she knows by his growl - not to do that. However, I've been home the last couple days doing homework and a final exam for an online class. They leave me alone and took advantage of using my son's bed to sleep together during the day. I bet someday, Duke might enjoy cuddling with her little warm body. For now, he's gotta act like his alpha ways with her. BTW - they're both alpha - makes a very lively household.

  • When I first got EL D (retired show dog) he had problems with the crate and refused to enter it so he slept in the kitchen in an old dog bed until I could trust him to be loose in the house. The first night I brought him into my bedroom I intended for him to sleep in the dog bed on the floor next to the bed. I never got the chance 🙂 As soon as I entered the room with EL D, he walked around the bed with me and hopped up on top and that's where he stayed. He has his own side of the bed, and sleeps under the covers (he'll paw at me to let him under if I'm in bed first) with his butt against some part of my body. Often he'll start at the top of the bed and eventually rolls down towards the bottom of the bed, always on "his" side. One night he rolled too far and fell off 😃

  • Savannah eithers curls up against me (rear end facing me of course) or between my legs if i make the mistake of sleeping on my back.

  • Kane used to sleep on my bed, and often took up so much space I couldn't sleep comfortably. He'd always growl if you tried to move him, it was so cute. When he was a puppy I think he slept in his kennel, but I guess he didn't like that.

  • I guess I'd better not let Alex see this thread; he sleeps outside in his dog house on the patio. Unless it's cold outside, then he sleeps in his dog bed inside the house.

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