Whew! Glad you got them back…definitely night & cold were on your side.
This summer I had the b-kids in the pen outside and went up to the garage to get a rake...it was in the morning. I'm in the garage, and all of a sudden I hear the pitter-patter of little feet. I turn around and both kids are in the garage. Needless to say I was :eek: :eek: :eek: shocked. Anyway I made a big deal like I was so happy to see them and Ruby came right over to me to be patted and I picked her up. Brando wouldn't come close enough for me to get him. I started walking back to the house and I'm talking to Brando as I'm walking saying "hey Bran...let's get some cheese" and he's following me at a safe distance for him to not get caught. He follows me all the way to the porch, but then decides he wants to sniff around the side of the house. I open the door to put Ruby inside the house and as I'm going in I yell to him, "Brando, cheese". Well I go inside to the cheese drawer (I'm still holding Ruby), and the door swings closed, but then I hear the door open again and Brando runs into the house. :D Door closes behind him, both kids are in. Brando comes over and sits by me for his cheese. :D :D Good boy!
Oh, and the reason they got free...I was in such a hurry I never noticed I forgot to close the gate...idiot mom :rolleyes: . That hasn't happened again!