I guess I should know this

  • @Barklessdog:

    Anyone who can have a Basenji do agility is a really good trainer. My hats off to you!

    I wish you lived in Chicago, I would love to see your dogs perform.

    I went to christmas party where they had a big Lab that just sat right next to the food table a few feet away. He sat upright right in front of a huge pile of all different kinds of lunch meats, not moving with no owner in sight. He sat there like that forever!

    Could you get a basenji to do that?

    I bet you could if you can get them to do agility.

    Yes, you can get a Basenji to do that, but like the Lab it takes time.. I am sure there was lots of training that went into that lab not going after the food….. and I have seen my share of Labs that would have cleared that table in 3 seconds flat...:D

  • And While I don't do agility myself, my puppy owners have and do… both Obedience and Agility...(visit http://www.tanzabasenjis.net/News.html and see a picture of Lucy in agility) so with time and training they can learn… I totally agree with Lisa, the reason most dogs are given up is that they have never been trained... or people have gotten the wrong breed of dog for their family. I think that Andrea remarked on it quite well with the different levels of dogs.

  • I just don't think that being hounds makes them less great pets but a person has to like the traits that make them hounds. That is one of the real advantages of purebred dogs, if you don't like the hardwiring for that breed, look for a breed with the hardwiring you do like.

    Very well said. For me, I've had a hunting dog(pointer) before and wanted those traits in a smaller dog with hound qualities.

  • @tanza:

    Yes, you can get a Basenji to do that, but like the Lab it takes time.. I am sure there was lots of training that went into that lab not going after the food….. and I have seen my share of Labs that would have cleared that table in 3 seconds flat...:D

    Exactly, it is all in how much time you want to put into training a behavior. For most people it is far easier to put up a babygate blocking the dining room and teach the dog to respect the barrier then it is train the dog not to clear the table of food. Each person has to decide what behaviors are really important to them and then reinforce them.

    As for agility training, there are more and more basenji owners doing agility. It is a fun sport and the dogs really do enjoy it. As with anything the more time you can put into it the better the results you will get. I think the hardest part is finding a trainer that understands that there is no such thing as one size fits all training. Not all dogs learn the same just like not all humans learn the same. As a handler you just have to have a sense of humor for those days when the dog decides it can't possibly go through any round objects or that the purpose of the A frame is to stare at goats in the field, or any other quirk they come up with. But that goes for any training not just agility and not just for basenjis.

    Here are some East Coast basenjis that do agility, http://apubasenjis.com/BasenjisAgility.html

  • **I don't feel any breed should be chosen for what it may be made into. It should be choosen for the way it is.

    My B's had me trained in almost no time at all, just the way I was/is. :D**

  • @srjeeper:

    **I don't feel any breed should be chosen for what it may be made into. It should be choosen for the way it is.

    My B's had me trained in almost no time at all, just the way I was/is. :D**

    Well I do agree about the "B's had me trained" part… 🆒

  • OUr B has trained us… hence the "Rocky's Rules of Order". But in all seriousness, it has made me more of a neat freak. If things are put away, then the B can't get into them... or at least that's the theory. smile

    Baseji agility... now that is something I could totally get into. I know my papillion would love it but I think Rocky would enjoy the mental stimulation... if I could just get him to stop worrying about the other dogs.

  • OMG my basenji makes an awsome pet! He sits around and does nothing all day lol. I have worked at a grooming salon & have been a pet sitter in the past. From those experiences I have realized how EASY my B is to live with and care for. It was so interesting to see how different breeds behave. I dont know why but he doesn't do most of the crazy basenji things I hear about from other owners, so sometimes its hard to relate. With a couple of exceptions of course. I mean he will still want to hunt down things that are moving fast but I'm working to improve his self control. I would freak if he killed something one day but at the same time I know he's a hunting dog.
    He's sweet with animals that dont run from him. We used to have a senior ferret that loved to crawl all over him and pull on him with her little hands and he just could not care less.
    As for agility I would love to do that with him (for fun) but I dont know if I can because he's not AKC. Might be tough at first to get him to stop worrying about all the other dogs around though.

  • If he is purebred, you can apply for an AKC ILP number so you can compete in AKC events like agility, rally, and lure coursing.

    For those that do not have a purebred there are a lot of agility organizations that accept mixed breeds, CPE, USDAA, NADAC, DOCNA just to name a few.

  • Cool thanks for the tip I'll have to look that up on line and learn more! Do basenji's do scent trials? He is from a rescue that picked him up at a shelter. I know zero about his backround or where he is from. He has the "look" of a puppymill Basenji, in the family there have been 2 from a breeder 1 pet store & now this guy the rescue.

  • I prefer my basenji as a part of the Hound Group over the Terrier Group any day. I dont see any characteristics of the terriers in a basenji other than the similar colorings….

  • @Mantis:

    I prefer my basenji as a part of the Hound Group over the Terrier Group any day. I dont see any characteristics of the terriers in a basenji other than the similar colorings….

    I would prefer hounds as well…but, really? You don't see any other characteristics? How about the overall tendancy for this: "are you looking at me...was that a look...what does that look mean...you wanna fight? sure I'll fight, c'mon...bring it on...." oh, and there is also the "what's in it for me attitude" that both groups share

    They are also physically square like most terriers. Most terriers have almond shaped eyes...most terrriers have triangular ears that have been bred to flop over.

    There original name when imported to the west was "congo terrier"

    I see quite a few similarities 😉 But I defintiely prefer being in the hound group. And honestly, if we were going to be re-grouped, I would hope for a primative or spitz group to be formed...that would really be the "right" place for us 🙂

  • @Quercus:

    I would prefer hounds as well…but, really? You don't see any other characteristics? How about the overall tendancy for this: "are you looking at me...was that a look...what does that look mean...you wanna fight? sure I'll fight, c'mon...bring it on...." oh, and there is also the "what's in it for me attitude" that both groups share

    They are also physically square like most terriers. Most terriers have almond shaped eyes...most terrriers have triangular ears that have been bred to flop over.

    There original name when imported to the west was "congo terrier"

    I see quite a few similarities 😉 But I defintiely prefer being in the hound group. And honestly, if we were going to be re-grouped, I would hope for a primative or spitz group to be formed...that would really be the "right" place for us 🙂

    I agree Andrea… I could have seen Basenjis put in with terriers very easily.. and I am glad that we are with the hounds... Also agree with the re-group..

  • @vstripe:

    Cool thanks for the tip I'll have to look that up on line and learn more! Do basenji's do scent trials? He is from a rescue that picked him up at a shelter. I know zero about his backround or where he is from. He has the "look" of a puppymill Basenji, in the family there have been 2 from a breeder 1 pet store & now this guy the rescue.

    Basenji do scent… but there are not trials, per say for them but I know that one of my puppies participated in one scent trial (however I don't remember the details).... You should subscribe to The Basenji Magazine... we have one Basenji owner that does hunting with his basenjis and does articles for the magazine... If you go to www.thebasenji.com you can get a free sample copy….

  • Basenjis can participate in Tracking Trials but they are pretty tough to get into.

    As for being like a terrier. I do see plenty of terrier traits. In fact, my obedience instructor has a border terrier that absolutely loves basenjis and has ever since she attended the BCONC Rally Seminar. Miss Pickle couldn't believe there were other dogs that wanted nothing to do with her and loved their own personal space. It made so much of an impression on her that when the basenji puppies came for the day she was like, "Mom, you finally brought the right puppies home."

  • Basenjis lack the one trait that terriers all have that I do not prefer and it is the attentiveness, or desire to please their people all the time which portrays the hyper nature. I like that my basenjis aren't in my face all of the time.

  • @Mantis:

    Basenjis lack the one trait that terriers all have that I do not prefer and it is the attentiveness, or desire to please their people all the time which portrays the hyper nature. I like that my basenjis aren't in my face all of the time.

    Hmmm…well, that sure isn't like the terriers I know...there is a reason why they call them "terrierists" 😉 Most terriers couldn't care less about pleasing you. But yes, they usually are very busy! I think of sporting and herding dogs as being much MUCH more wanting to be in your face, and please you all the time...and yes, I prefer that my Bs aren't like that (most of the time...sometimes I wish they were a little more attentive to what I want 😉 )

  • @Quercus:

    Hmmm…well, that sure isn't like the terriers I know...there is a reason why they call them "terrierists" 😉 Most terriers couldn't care less about pleasing you. But yes, they usually are very busy! I think of sporting and herding dogs as being much MUCH more wanting to be in your face, and please you all the time...and yes, I prefer that my Bs aren't like that (most of the time...sometimes I wish they were a little more attentive to what I want 😉 )

    No kidding. That little toy rat terrier that my friend has is super hyper and could not care less about pleasing them. You can't hold him unless he is very sleepy. He simply must be down destroying things, chasing the cat. If they give a command such as "sit", he'll sit for 1/10 of a second and then he's outta there. He managed to pass his first obedience class, but even she's not sure how he did it. She said he embarrassed her every week in class by being the worst listener every time. LOL
    There was a Basenji in that class, and she said he was a dream boat!

  • @Mantis:

    Basenjis lack the one trait that terriers all have that I do not prefer and it is the attentiveness, or desire to please their people all the time which portrays the hyper nature. I like that my basenjis aren't in my face all of the time.

    Wow, all the terriers I know are so very much like Basenjis?… what attentiveness...?? I very rarely have seen that in any terrier....

  • @tanza:

    Wow, all the terriers I know are so very much like Basenjis?… what attentiveness…?? I very rarely have seen that in any terrier….

    Yeah - Unless there's a treat - what attentiveness? I'm sure Duke is Basenji-Terrier, I think Jack Russell. Both worlds collide with him. When Duke wants love, like a cat/basenji, he comes to get it. Otherwise, he's very independent. I like the term "terrierist".

    How old is your friend's Rat Terrier? I had a heck of a time getting thru Beginner Obedience last year - he was about 8 months old. Now he's 1.5 y.o. and he's come a long way since then. I don't complain so much anymore about what he's done - lately. Daisy's taken over his place as the accused.

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