Vicki i'm pleased that Dudley is improving. Today i was talking to someone with a Bloodhound who was recently diagnosed with a yeast infection invilving her head, ears and eyes. She was put on a course of madication and was advised to take her off any products containing Wheat.
Thank you again I am not to sure Jaycee will be ready but Eli did Karate fom time he was 5 until 12 he went in front of hundreds of people and would test. I hope that helps him or at least makes him more comfortable.
I will again say that most animal control departments are vastly understaffed and therefore enforcement of the county's various animal related laws is complaint driven. They just do not have the staff to properly enforce the laws currently on the books. In most counties, they would probably find a huge decrease in the number of shelter dogs if they could actually enforce the laws currently in place, especially the leash law. Many of the unwanted puppies result from breedings that happen while dogs are roaming offleash. Until animal control can enforce the laws currently in place there is no reason for new laws, they won't make any difference.