• As I have said before I am meeting my prospective brat basenji on monday. If every thing goes well with his meeting my children and my basenji he will be here to stay. As "b-day" gets closer I am having a harder time controling my excitement and the only thing that I am seem to focus on is the arrival of of the new dog. I have been combing my house from top to bottom searching for anything that this little guy can find that might hurt him. Last evening I was on another search for small toys etc. that I may have missed and I noticed the cord to my computer wasn't basenji proof. Then I started looking all over the house finding electric cords every where sending me into yet another frenzi. Anyway, veering way off subject now, I was discussing the new dog with my husband. Can you believe he got jealous over our new furry friend. I had to laugh when he said "well I will have a wife for three days, after that I won't exist". I really didn't know that he was feeling this way. He went on to say "one would think that we were adopting a new baby". Making matters worse I said "well, really it is almost like we are honey" While I was saying that I was thinking about the preparation involved with bringing any new pet home. I had to stroke his ego alittle, and encouraged him that I would really like him to get involved with our new dog aswell as our children too. I had to talk to him like one of my children. I just thought it was funny that I had a hubby jealous of a dog. Granted it was a short lived jelousy, but none the less Jealous. Has anybody else had these kind of problems? I figure for the time being I would do my obsessive basenji proofing while he wasn't looking. I just can't help myself!

  • @weeziesmom:

    As I have said before I am meeting my prospective brat basenji on monday. If every thing goes well with his meeting my children and my basenji he will be here to stay. As "b-day" gets closer I am having a harder time controling my excitement and the only thing that I am seem to focus on is the arrival of of the new dog. I have been combing my house from top to bottom searching for anything that this little guy can find that might hurt him. Last evening I was on another search for small toys etc. that I may have missed and I noticed the cord to my computer wasn't basenji proof. Then I started looking all over the house finding electric cords every where sending me into yet another frenzi. Anyway, veering way off subject now, I was discussing the new dog with my husband. Can you believe he got jealous over our new furry friend. I had to laugh when he said "well I will have a wife for three days, after that I won't exist". I really didn't know that he was feeling this way. He went on to say "one would think that we were adopting a new baby". Making matters worse I said "well, really it is almost like we are honey" While I was saying that I was thinking about the preparation involved with bringing any new pet home. I had to stroke his ego alittle, and encouraged him that I would really like him to get involved with our new dog aswell as our children too. I had to talk to him like one of my children. I just thought it was funny that I had a hubby jealous of a dog. Granted it was a short lived jelousy, but none the less Jealous. Has anybody else had these kind of problems? I figure for the time being I would do my obsessive basenji proofing while he wasn't looking. I just can't help myself!

    How funny πŸ™‚ . No problems like that here. MY dh just thinks it's ridiculous that my dogs are so pampered – but 8 out of 10 times HE is the one with a Basenji crawling into his lap at night :rolleyes: .

    I had to read your secind sentence twice -- the first time I read it as:

    "If every thing goes well with his meeting my children and my basenji he will be here to stay."

    and it sounded like the children and the dog got to stay, as if the children were also optional :eek:
    THEN I would have thought you had maybe gone a bit overboard;)

  • Ahahaha, My kids have their days where if they were optional I might have to give it a second thought. The hubby on the other hand, giving it a second thought wouldn't be needed. lol.

  • @weeziesmom:

    He went on to say "one would think that we were adopting a new baby". Making matters worse I said "well, really it is almost like we are honey" While I was saying that I was thinking about the preparation involved with bringing any new pet home.

    You're exactly right–it is like adopting a new baby πŸ™‚ I'm not married, but I have had the jealousy problem with boyfriends.......I had one boyfriend who suggested that I put my german shepherd mix up for adoption because she shed too much.....needless to say, the dog stayed--the boyfriend was kicked to the curb πŸ˜ƒ

  • Men, my thought "they are only good for two things : something to do when your bord, and something to keep you warm on those cold winter nights. Although when I think about it my basenji can can do both! Now the hubby should be worried!

  • @MaxBooBooBear:

    ..needless to say, the dog stayed–the boyfriend was kicked to the curb πŸ˜ƒ

    Love it MBx3:D πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ

    I've been married 33 years, this is the first time we're both totally on the same page with something since our kids. We both love the B's, more than some seem to think we should. We've done so much together with our b's….....I'd never would've guessed it in a million years.

    People think we've lost our minds, we have.:) πŸ˜ƒ

  • @Basenji_Boy:

    Love it MBx3:D πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ

    I've been married 33 years, this is the first time we're both totally on the same page with something since our kids. We both love the B's, more than some seem to think we should. We've done so much together with our b's….....I'd never would've guessed it in a million years.

    People think we've lost our minds, we have.:) πŸ˜ƒ

    We've been married almost 22 yrs and this is one thing we are not quite in agreement on – dh would be happiest with NO pets, but he plays along well enough. He does live with three dogs and two cats. :p
    And he does love the animals well enough, he'd just prefer not to have any for lots of reasons: they cost money, they poop in the yard, they chew things up, they fight, you have to find people to care for them when you travel {which also costs more money}....
    I guess he would prefer to love other people's pets, LOL>
    But he knows he's married to me, so that is not an option

  • @JazzysMom:

    But he knows he's married to me, so that is not an option

    Sounds familar JM.:)

    People told me when we decided to get married…."you know you're marring Elly Mae......you'll have a housefull of critters. That's been an understatement.:rolleyes:

    I can put up with the poop, chewed personal items, and being tied to the house if someone isn't there to watch them.
    When I come home and those b's are excited and barooing because I'm home..........it's all worth it.
    I like my dogs better than some people I meet. Not all people....some.:)

  • I am glad to hear that people other than me have had the "issues" with their partner that I am having with mine. My husband sounds like he is alot like Jazzy's mom. He gets worked up over the poop in the yard the most. Weezie went through a stage where she would target his things mostly. She would go potty on his clothes if he left them on the floor, she chewed his hats, she tried to destroy his steel toed boots. The boots won that battle although they did come out with a few war wounds πŸ™‚ And he has also given in to the fact that he is married to me and the pets are here to stay! It is so funny though when I am in a different room I have heard him barooing at her, talking to her. When I come around the corner he will stop and his face gets all red. Then I grin and tell him I will give him his alone time with the dog. Eventually he will get the b-bug just like I did!

  • @weeziesmom:

    … It is so funny though when I am in a different room I have heard him barooing at her, talking to her. When I come around the corner he will stop and his face gets all red. Then I grin and tell him I will give him his alone time with the dog. Eventually he will get the b-bug just like I did!

    It sounds like he already does…he is just in denial!;)

  • @weeziesmom:

    I am glad to hear that people other than me have had the "issues" with their partner that I am having with mine. My husband sounds like he is alot like Jazzy's mom. He gets worked up over the poop in the yard the most. Weezie went through a stage where she would target his things mostly. She would go potty on his clothes if he left them on the floor, she chewed his hats, she tried to destroy his steel toed boots. The boots won that battle although they did come out with a few war wounds πŸ™‚ And he has also given in to the fact that he is married to me and the pets are here to stay! It is so funny though when I am in a different room I have heard him barooing at her, talking to her. When I come around the corner he will stop and his face gets all red. Then I grin and tell him I will give him his alone time with the dog. Eventually he will get the b-bug just like I did!

    Oh geez, Darren is almost embarrassing the way he baby talks to our B'swhen they greet him in the morning or after work.
    And he's very amused by their ritual – Jazzy's is most intense -- rubbing of their faces and shoulders all over his leather work shoes at the end of every day, followed by the rolling all over his feet.

    He also baroos at them. Doesn't get embarrassed by it though; he's pretty open about it, unless we have guests.:p

  • I think that just might be the case. It took weezie a long time for him to warm up to her. Now when she walks up to him while he is sitting in his chair she will stand there looking at him making him move over so she can fit beside him. At first he would tell her to go sit by me, then she would sulk off into a corner and make him feel bad. Now he will move over so she can fit beside him in his chair. He often jokes that I have taught her well!

  • @weeziesmom:

    I think that just might be the case. It took weezie a long time for him to warm up to her. Now when she walks up to him while he is sitting in his chair she will stand there looking at him making him move over so she can fit beside him. At first he would tell her to go sit by me, then she would sulk off into a corner and make him feel bad. Now he will move over so she can fit beside him in his chair. He often jokes that I have taught her well!

    Jazzy used to always sit on my lap at night, and Keoki usually got Darren's.

    Lately however, Jazz is spending more time on Darren's lap. The reason? He's a marshmallow – if I don't feel like having the dog on me --I'm using the lap top, or whatever-- I ignore her when she comes and gives me her "I'm pathetic, please pick me up" stare and places her head on my leg. I tell her "No, not now" and that is the end of it.
    He cannot. She has learned with him to just slowly start to crawl up on his lap and he will cave EVERY time.

    She would never, ever think to crawl up on me after I've told her "no"!

    She used to try the "stare/head rest" thing with him, and if he said 'No", then she'd crawl up v-e-r-y- slowly.
    Now she doesn't bother, she just crawls up.

    We know the pack leader is here, and we know who it ain't also! πŸ˜ƒ

  • My hubby loves, loves my Basenji, Sahara. If I mention that she needs something like a new coat, food, toy, he says, "Well get it for her, here's my credit card. My husband is very frugal, he does not waste money, at times he squeaks when he walks. I found my furbaby in a pet store, and when I called about buying her he said, "That is too much money for a dog". Well, my son was with me and he paid for a third of the dog, and when we called him back (about 4 times total calls) he said, "I don't care, do what you want". Well, I DID!!!! I brought her home and he has loved her ever since, he was jealous in the beginning b/c she slept beside me, and followed me around, laid in my lap. I told him if you want Sahara to love you then you have to feed her sometimes and play with her. Well, now she loves him too, and he loves, loves this dog like I have never seen before. He calls her his little girl, and she greets him when he comes home from work. I want another B, but I don't know if he will let me. He says Sahara is enough for us, I say she needs a playmate. We'll see !!!!!!!

  • @youngandtired:

    I want another B, but I don't know if he will let me. He says Sahara is enough for us, I say she needs a playmate. We'll see !!!!!!!

    Give him time…. Darren always said that Jazzy was more than enough Basenji for us, and then he bought Keoki. πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ

  • I put in my application with brat with out my husband knowing about it. I figured that I would have some time to break him in on the whole idea. I started with some of the emails I recieved from brat, I started talking about them and he would always give me that look like forget it. Then the person that was in charge of the adoptions in my area emailed me about my little arrival on monday. It did take some fast talking to get him to agree, but after I showed him some pictures of the little gem he couldn't say no to the look on my face. I am not sure how it is going to go on monday, but I am keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck on your quest for a new basenji, and remember a squeaky wheel always gets oiled!!! πŸ™‚

  • Its Funny But Our B Is The First Dog My Husband Has Fallen Totally In Love With. He Loves Trixie And She Loves Him!! We Have Had Many Dogs In Our 21 Years Of Marriage (i Am An Animal Lover Big Time). We Have Had Everything From A Rat Terrier ( He Was Interesting) To Our Current 80 Pound Lab Mix And Trixie Our B. (by The Way Trixie Is The Dominant Female And Often Sits On Poor Josie's Head)!! It Is Funny But They Do Sometimes Get In Fights!!

  • When we got married I was the dog enthusiast. We had always had dogs when I was growing up. DH grew up with a pet box turtle! So for most of our married life, the dogs were mine. However, DH has wanted a basenji for years and he is totally smitten with Cory. In fact, he is the one that told me that he thought that Cory was lonely and we should consider getting a second basenji to keep her company. THIS from a man who made me promise several years ago that we'd never own two dogs at once again.


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