• Hello everyone - we have a 6 month old female Basenji. We know that they only go into heat once per year, but don't know how old they are when they go into heat for the first time. We are deciding whether to breed her or have her fixed, and want to know how long we have till she will go into heat for the first time. We won't breed her for a couple years, as we know it isn't good to breed when they are young. Thanks.

  • Some girls will have their first season at 6 months but many do not come into season for the first time until the fall at around 9-10 months old.

  • Where in California are you?… local to the Bay Area?.. if so, we have lots of Basenji activities with the Basenji Club of Northern California (www.norcalbasenjis.org)). Who did you get your girl from? And the best person to discuss breeding would be your breeder… But lvoss is correct typically Basenjis come in season in the Fall so that would make most pups 8 or 9 months old.

  • We know that they only go into heat once per year,

    Be aware that some, like Jazzy, have a heat cycle twice a year; spring and fall. Her first was about 5.5 mos, second was about 8 mos.; a pattern she repeated last year, and as she's just finished a cycle, she would have repeated this year if she weren't going to be spayed next month.

  • @JazzysMom:

    We know that they only go into heat once per year,

    Be aware that some, like Jazzy, have a heat cycle twice a year; spring and fall. Her first was about 5.5 mos, second was about 8 mos.; a pattern she repeated last year, and as she's just finished a cycle, she would have repeated this year if she weren't going to be spayed next month.

    Good point, and yes some do come into season 2x a year… and also that means that for 30 days they must be confined..... all you need is one boy in the neighborhood that can "smell" her being in season and opps.....

    True story, there was an old Lab over 10 yrs, still in tact and over 2 blocks away.. as soon as my girls came in season, he spent the next month out front of our house no matter how many times we call his owners and said that he had escaped again.... and that was the ONLY time we ever saw him....

  • Of course also, your breeder should have reviewed all that with you when you purchased your pup….

  • We actually got her from a breeder in Reno. Some friends of ours have a Basenji and they wanted another. They saw the ad in the paper and we decided we wanted one too. So, together, we adopted 2 of the girls. The breeder has been MIA since. We NEVER received their papers and they won't return phone calls or emails. So, needless to say, the breeder is no help at all. Thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it. It has been a fun, exciting, and very challenging 4 months with her. We also have 2 cats, which she chases endlessly, so our house has been a bit crazy. She's as cute as can be though!

  • @Mollys_mom:

    We actually got her from a breeder in Reno. Some friends of ours have a Basenji and they wanted another. They saw the ad in the paper and we decided we wanted one too. So, together, we adopted 2 of the girls. The breeder has been MIA since. We NEVER received their papers and they won't return phone calls or emails. So, needless to say, the breeder is no help at all. Thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it. It has been a fun, exciting, and very challenging 4 months with her. We also have 2 cats, which she chases endlessly, so our house has been a bit crazy. She's as cute as can be though!

    Yikes…well, without the background health information about your pup I would definitely suggest spaying her. There are several genetically inherited diseases in Basenjis (and there are several threads here outlining them...see the thread about what is a responsible breeder). Without the information from Molly's breeder about what the health testing results are from her relatives, there is no way I would even consider breeding her...and it will be hard for you to find a responsible breeder that will allow you to use their male to breed to her.

    Sounds like at least one of Molly's parents was not registered with the AKC, and there are no AKC papers for you to have, because the puppies are unregisterable. Of course, you can always get something called an ILP number from AKC if you wish to participate in performance or companion events. The dog has to be neutered or spayed to get that number though.

  • Andrea makes some very good points, especially about health…. and sounds like no health testing for the Sire and Dam of the litter. It is so important in our breed.... with the genetic problems that we have.....

    Sounds to me like they were not being truthful about having AKC papers or these pups being registered. It is sad, but some people with buy a puppy from a responsible breed that has the puppy on a spay/neuter contract and limited registration that means they are not to be bred... also limited registration means that any puppies if they did breed could not be registered with AKC... People breed anyway and then fib about the papers or just say they are charging a cheaper price for "no" papers. Do you know the name of the Dad and Mom? If so, it can be looked up to see if they are registered...
    Sorry you had a bad experience with these people, give responsible breeders a bad name....

  • We don't have the name of mom and dad, the breeder was supposed to give the first shot before we got them and didn't do that either. We paid $500, so I don't think we got a deal either. Lesson learned. Nevertheless, she's a part of our family and we love her even though she may not be papered. Live and learn. Thanks again to all for their advice/input.

  • @Mollys_mom:

    We don't have the name of mom and dad, the breeder was supposed to give the first shot before we got them and didn't do that either. We paid $500, so I don't think we got a deal either. Lesson learned. Nevertheless, she's a part of our family and we love her even though she may not be papered. Live and learn. Thanks again to all for their advice/input.

    Oh, of course, a dog that came from uncertain beginnings certainly isn't any less worthy, or deserving of love! It just seems that people have to get burned once by a irresponsible breeder before they become motivated to find a responsible one. You get so much more for your money, and a so much more information about your puppy. And unfortunately the money that goes into the irresponsible breeders pocket does nothing to help protect and preserve the breed or the Basenji community as it does with a responsible breeder.

    As Oprah says….'when you know better, you do better'.....that is why some of us here bring up the topic at every opportunity 😉

  • Mollysmom-gosh I'm so sorry that your breeder just went MIA like that. It's tough when you first get these little furballs you could use all the guidance you can get. And usually they are very helpful. Hang in there & please come back here & post questions or concerns…there's lots of good info in this forum.

    Check out the health section so you can read up on some of the things basenjis are prone to. Since you (and your friend's B girl) don't have any background you won't have any idea what she me be predisposed to. It will help you out in the future to know the warning signs & symptoms of the various potential health problems.

    Good luck & I hope you post some pics of your little Molly 🙂

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