• Here is a picture of Squiggys two sphynx sisters,Olive Itzgon and Violet.
    Cant get a picture of everyone right now, but I thought I would include the girls.


  • beautiful Abby's 😃

  • @basenjishunt:

    beautiful Abby's 😃

    Thanks, they are sphynx, but the picture could have been better.
    He sure likes them, but the mommas are still a bit protective.

  • I've never seen Sphynx babies. Wow! They are sooooo cute! Are they hairless?

  • absolutely adorable, I love sphynx, I think they are cute. My husband says they are the ugliest cats he has ever seen, but I don't ask his opinion much:)

  • Wow! What a surprise…I was expecting B pictures...DUH I missed the "other pets"! They are really beautiful, I've never seen them before. How regal and exotic. The babies are soooooo sweet!

  • Oh - how cute! I've never seen a Sphynx. More pictures please . . .

  • Yep they are hairless. Strange , I know, but very sweet.
    I like to say I have a barkless dog and hairless cats:p

    *Sorry, didnt realize how gross that blanket looks in the picture ( I swear it not) I will try and take some more pictures on a pretty bright blanket with better light 🙂

  • They are so cute…this may be a dumb question, but how do you keep them warm? Does their Mommy lay with them a lot?
    Love the barkless/hairless thing!!

  • Right now, while they are too little to roam, they are are kept in the birthing box on heating pads with fleese blankets. Their moms are usually in there with them since they are still nursing.
    My 2 girls are comfortable in my home and dont see to mind it being about 68-70. I also keep a heating pad in their bed that they use a night. And sometimes they will burrow under a blanket when they are napping.
    Squiggy has to fight (yeah right- more like wait it out) for his place in the sun with these girls around.

  • AAaaawwwwhhhhhhh…Absolutely Beautiful Babies!!!!!
    Hairless???!!!! Wowzers. They sure are cute though...Very different looking but I like them. Do you put them in sweaters in the winter time?

  • Awww look at those little naked babies. THey are soo cute, I like them, they always have such a neat look about them.

  • I count 8 kittens. They are so cute and look so vulnerable with no fur. Do show your Sphynx's? Do you already have homes for them? Are you keeping any of them? I know, lots of questions. . .

  • @Duke:

    I count 8 kittens. They are so cute and look so vulnerable with no fur. Do show your Sphynx's? Do you already have homes for them? Are you keeping any of them? I know, lots of questions. . .

    Thank you, I think they are cute also:)
    I would love to have more time to show, however I only get to visit all the shows around me when I can.
    I have someone who is waiting to pick hers out when she sees the personalities. Other than that I have not started advertising too much and I have not sent out "birth anouncements" to my past kitten owners. Once they are walking around I will let people interested come over to see them, but right now they are just too young.
    I am not keeping any, although I want them all.

  • @Vanessa626:

    AAaaawwwwhhhhhhh…Absolutely Beautiful Babies!!!!!
    Hairless???!!!! Wowzers. They sure are cute though...Very different looking but I like them. Do you put them in sweaters in the winter time?

    I have an owner in Boston that has all sorts of outfits and sweaters for her girl Macy. I have a few sweaters for mine but the girls would much rather have a warm blanket out of the dryer. It is so cute they just roll around in and on it.

  • The kittens are now 2 and 3 weeks old.
    So, here are some more pictures. They are about due for their first baths, but they are still so cute. The older ones have just started playing and it is so much fun to get my coffee in the mornings and sit and watch them.

  • I love your kitties! I have a ragdoll-dumb as a stump! But-she's PRETTY, she doesn't have to be smart!

  • They are so cute!!! I love the way they hold their heads up and seem to look right into the camera!

  • Wow… too cute for words... even without hair... gggg... or a curly tail

  • Thanks guys. I enjoy them.

    I took some pictures of squiggy smelling them, so I will try and get them up.

    Poor Squigs has a big scratch on his nose from watching them.
    Normally the moms just chase him out of the room and there is no scratches, but he ended up getting cornered. He is so good with them but they are just extra protective right now. He even walks in the room with his eyes squinted and head down expecting it. He just wants to see what is going on.

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