• how many hours a day do your basenjis sleep???? does it depend on how old they are?

  • This is a good question.
    I think it depends on the age of the b's and what is going on.
    Puppies seem to play/sleep with little between.
    My b's love to be "doing" things with me…but when I am at work, they are snoozing on the deck, in the sun, or on the couch.
    When we are on vacation, they go with me and dont' need to sleep but at night.
    It will be interesting to see what the others have to say.

  • My kids are 6 and 8 (we think-Miles is a rescue with no history)… And they go for as long as I'm up doing stuff. Otherwise they sleep. Mine haven't seemed to change at all with age though. They just go - and when it's time to stop, they sleep. 🙂

  • One thing I've liked about all my Bs (3 total) is that they pretty much sleep soundly through the night. My german shepherd mix would be up several times a night patrolling the house. They also sleep in when I sleep in. Again–Pepper would be up at 5 in the a.m. when I get up to get ready for work. I had to train her to sleep until at least 7 or 8 on weekends. My Bs usually stay in bed when I get up at 5. They'll get up after I've done my hair and makeup because they know it's about time to eat then. When I'm home they don't sleep too much during the day--but do like their after breakfast nap and afternoon nap. When I'm not home--I think they sleep quite a bit more.

  • Very true MaxBooBooBear… Miles when we first got him would wake up at the crack of dawn and want to go out... Now I have him trained to stay in bed until my hair and makeup are done too. He actually LOVES damp hair- I usually sit on the floor to dry my hair so he'll try to roll all over me... it's hilarious! But I'm pretty certain they sleep all day in their crates.

  • Both of my dogs (Ziggy, the B, and Zoe, the Pharaoh Hound) snooze virtually any time that they aren't eating or walking/playing with me. I work from home and so while I sit in front of the computer all day long, they sleep. They seem to be in a light sleep (snoozing) rather than deep sleep, except when they start twitching - then I assume they are fully asleep and dreaming! But out of a 16-hour day, I estimate that they sleep 10-12 hours. ~ Lori ~

    The Z-Pack
    Zen, Ziggy, Zoe

  • @BDawg1005:

    Very true MaxBooBooBear… Miles when we first got him would wake up at the crack of dawn and want to go out... Now I have him trained to stay in bed until my hair and makeup are done too. He actually LOVES damp hair- I usually sit on the floor to dry my hair so he'll try to roll all over me... it's hilarious! But I'm pretty certain they sleep all day in their crates.

    my b's do that too with damp hair - i call it head smushies!

  • Not nearly enough!

    They sleep all day when we are gone and go non stop till bed.

    He actually LOVES damp hair- I usually sit on the floor to dry my hair so he'll try to roll all over me…

    Ours do that too and make piggy grunting noises on my daughter's hair. She just loves it!

  • My girl sleeps or chews whatever I give her to chew until she notices that I am ready to go out. At night, she sleeps without moving (at the foot of my bed) watches what I am doing and gets up when I put my shoes on: that's the signal. Another signal for getting up, running around or pulling down whatever clothing is hanging, is the sound of my keys. Then, nothing will keep her from rushing to the front door and get ready for her leash. I live in an appartment. She is a good girl really, a real pain at times but she has adopted my rythme , I work from home a lot and take her with me wherever I go.

  • Chance and Kiya both snuggle on the floor during the night. At around 5ish Kiya will somehow worm her way under the covers and sleep on my feet.
    While Alex and I are both at work the two of em sleep on the couch which is around 7 or 8 hrs until we get home. Then they play with us and go on long walks. I would say they sleep half the day away. Such lazy couch potatoes. 🙂

  • our three sleep ALL the time. because we're doing remodeling the only tv is in the bedroom so thats become our living room haha they get in bed with us around 830 and pass out by 9ish normally. we take them out around 1030-11 and then they sleep in the living room together. mia (shell be 1 in 3 weeks) will sit at the gate and whine when she hears us moving on days we'd like to sleep in. but if you bring her to the bedroom she will go right back to sleep! lol when i get up for school at 630 and come out to the living room.. they all stay on the couch.. and maggie (age is around 4 we dont know exactly) wont even get up to go to the bathroom unless you pick her up. they lay on the top of the couch or on the wood floors in the sunshine all day.. only right when i get home from work 745-8ish at night they get really energetic. and thats mostly mia and rocky. maggie is def the laziest.

    no matter how long theyve been alseep, though, if i want to take a nap when i get home they will all cuddle in the bed with me.. sometimes they have to sleep at least 18 hours a day i have no doubt in my mind lol

  • EL D (who will be 6 this December) sleeps (I think) most of the day while I'm at work. In the evenings when the weather was nice he would run around in the yard until it got too dark but now he generally just sits in his bed or on the couch if I'm involved in something, otherwise he's throwing his toys around or snooping in the basement.

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