Cute pup. She has all the markings of a basenji. Sometimes a little mix of another breed in her is good. It will help with not having the genetic problems basenjis have.
Is she a basenji ?
@mrscastro Don't worry about typos OR tears. Just about everyone here has lost their beloved canine family member and a piece of their human heart with them. The pain is big because the love is big. Please be comforted by the thought that a sweet soul that God created completely out of love with be waiting for you, and like all my dogs has probably already put in a good word for you with the Lord. Sending love and comfort to you in this difficult time.
@morsesa I apologize for unloading on you. May I extend an olive branch?
There is so very much to learn here. We only grow when we learn. I've learned so much from all these wonderful people and my pups (Basenji, Faux and Want to be's) have benefited from every single word. I am new to Basenjis myself. Only first being owned by one in 2001. I'm not even sure, at my age, that I'll be blessed with another. That makes my Faux girl all the more precious.
The choice is yours. Ms. Bunmi's passing ripped my heart wide open and made room for more.
@mrscastro said in Is she a basenji ?:
@morsesa I apologize for unloading on you. May I extend an olive branch?
You show very much class @MrsCastro. I too reconsidered my comments and decided to remove them. Sometimes the things we don't know turn out to be more important than the things we think we do know. True in my case. Thank you @elbrant
@MorseSA I hope your good memories of KOA continue to bring you happiness. As you know... Basenjis... the BEST dog ever.
You are a “class act” as stated by @jengomonkey - so sorry you had to go through this especially after just losing Ms. Bunmi (Bunmi - African translation - “My Gift”). My deepest sympathies on your loss.
“Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs your heart is very big.” ~ Erica Jong
Hugs to you and Miss Roxy - “The Faux-Senji”! ️ -
Can I join??? Where do I sign-up?️ -
@kembe I'm in!!!! I love all "senjis" so sign me up!!!!!
@jengosmonkey Bless you! I will treasure this always. What an amazingly kind and generous gift!!!
@caaaitlinann I apologize to you as well for high-jacking your post.
To all those with Mix, Faux, and Want-to-be Basenjis, welcome one and all. People like you, willing to open their heart and home to the "not so perfect" by society standards, who make such a tremendous difference. Every animal embraced in a safe and loving forever home is a giant leap towards the day when shelters will be empty and rescue will be unnecessary. I pray I live to see that day.
@morsesa - Why not? People can ask? This site welcomes all.... Yes they might be a mix or not at all, but who cares
@jengosmonkey I'm thinking about starting a new group on Facebook with this Pic. Do I have your permission to us this photo?
@mrscastro She's your girl. Of course! All I did was make her into a circle and add some lettering using an online decal generator. Have fun!
@mrscastro please let us know when you start the group...I seriously want to join, but also PLEASE keep us posted on THIS site on how your little beauty is doing!!!!!
Faux Senji Club of Planet Earth is open and looking for moderators. I've never done this before.
@elbrant I was invited! Very much appreciated too. I don't have any social media accounts. Not a judgement about others. Just a personal choice. This place is it for me. Well... a few other forums too, but those are for different hobbies.
@jengosmonkey I totally understand. Twitter was a big no for me...closed and forgotten. You do what works for you and we'll be your friend no matter what.
Lets clear the deck, if it is not a PURE Basenji, then do not use the word Basenji.....
@morsesa said in Is she a basenji ?:
Lets clear the deck, if it is not a PURE Basenji, then do not use the word Basenji.....
Care to explain why not? We use the term "Half Arabian" all the time, to describe a horse with Arab blood, there is even a registry. Why should dogs, specifically Basenji crossbreeds, be treated any differently?
OK - Lets design a word that @MorseSA will accept ? If it is a mix, should we just jumble up the letters b a s e n j i ? Trouble is, that has been done as kennel names already so often. Sibjaen hasn't been used though.
We can't halve it, cos there are 7 of them. Base or Enji ?