And the rains came
Spring weather in Jan.!!:D :D :D That's great, they look so happy though?
Thanks for sharing ….....had a good chuckle looking at these.
It's supposed to stop raining here today and be in the mid 60's tomorrow…........mud, mud and more mud. I even put a few bags of cypress mulch over a couple of the really bad mud holes.
They are great pictures! I didn't realize that OH and PA had mud seasons too! Here in VT, we have three seasons: Winter, August and Mud! I just came in from pikcing up my daughter from school. All of my neighbors (and we live in a very rural area) heard me yelling, "NO, Nala - OFF! Yuck - Go away you MUD DOG!"
Thanks for the laugh…they are beautiful...even when muddy! -
Those pictures are great! lol! And to think, before I was owned by a 'senji, I was under the impression that they're clean dogs! ;)