Some dogs will accept puppies where they would not accept adult canines - Rama may accept them somewhere quiet. Basenjis usually love puppies.
In any case, make the first introduction off the premises, in some spot which is strange to the pups AND to Rama. Let them play there - not in a dog park, too many distractions and other dogs.
Ideally in the garden of a friend if you can find one and are allowed to in this covid age.
If no garden, it might be an idea to introduce one at a time, keep pup and Rama on leads on a quiet road, with two of you at first, then one of you takes both dogs and lets them gradually get to smelling the same blade of grass. Once this happens and you have apparent acceptance, be careful how you take them into your house. Let the resident Rama enter first. It is her home, she should be the welcoming committee.
Make sure Rama has a get-away hole where the puppies can't reach, for peace and quiet. A different room, a special bed or chair out of reach of the pups.
Support Rama if there is a bit of snarking. Pups must learn their place in the hierarchy.
Once you have one pup in place, do the same with the other one, but take both pups along.
One thought occurred to me. Regiment their feeding so they all feed together, preferably one person is in charge of feeding all three of them at the same time !
Good luck,