How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday

  • @kembe said in How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday:

    CONGRATULATIONS! I think Jengo sent you another angel! She looks like a sweet girl with an appropriate & unique name - she will bring “sparkle” 🌟 to your lives! What a nice holiday surprise! 👍🐾❤🐕

    She came as a complete and very welcome surprise. I liked her the moment I met her several months ago. Still have to pinch myself that we ended up with TWO basenjis. She's also a Champion and 9 points shy of becoming a Grand Champion. We're going to help Stella finish her sometime next year. Keep your fingers crossed. It's weird too... Logan's confidence has shot to the top of the scale with her around. He's much more calm, yet confident. I think his world is much happier with another dog to share it with.

  • @jengosmonkey
    That was always my one regret that I didn’t give my Kembe a sibling/companion. I think that’s why she is such a self-centered dog who thinks she’s human. Lol

  • I think I'm a little green around the ears.... Congrats! I hope you will keep us entertained with the stories of their lives. 🙂

  • @elbrant
    Lol- me too El!

  • @kembe said in How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday:

    That was always my one regret that I didn’t give my Kembe a sibling/companion. I think that’s why she is such a self-centered dog who thinks she’s human. Lol

    We honestly had never even considered having two... until she became available. I remember when I first saw the message, I said to my wife "We can have Sparkle!" She said "Ooh, not sure if we should have two." I responded "Yeah, ...I see what you're saying. Look, sleep on it, then say yes in the morning because we're getting her." 😄

  • @jengosmonkey
    My brother - a previous basenji owner tried to convince me to get a second - he said it was his one biggest regret. In hindsight- I really wish I had a companion for my Kembe - it would have benefited both of us. She wouldn’t have the “only child syndrome “. “Hind sight 20/20”.Especially now when I’m dealing w/ issues of an elderly dog - a companion for her would benefit her and ME!

  • My mom still keeps a Sheltie. When her last one was getting older, Mom got a Sheltie puppy. The older one schooled the puppy and the as the puppy grew, she started to look after the older one. Mom said the puppy was able to learn the rules of the house at warp speed having the older dog to model what was acceptable and what wasn't. Maybe not too late?

  • Love her

  • @jengosmonkey said in How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday:

    I think his world is much happier with another dog to share it with.

    Of course he is ! Basenjis are pack animals. One will form a pack with his/her principal owner (be careful who becomes the Alpha. . . !) but there is nothing like having a Basenji buddy living in.

    We got Mku because Hoover was miserable after Keepurr died and they bonded very tightly but he was scarcely 6 months old when she joined her half-brother over the Bridge.

    Mku's half brother (same Dad) is 4 weeks old today and will be joining us late January - it will be wonderful to have two dogs again.

  • @Zande I am very much looking forward to seeing Mku's little brother in January! That should be very much fun!

    We've only had Sparkle home for about 5 days, so everything is still a bit new to her and us. As an adult, I've never had two dogs before, nor a female. I did as a kid, but Mom took care of things. Sparkle isn't fearless, but she's much less hesitant to dive in and for something that peaks her interest. Definitely food driven too, so I have to be disciplined about weighing her weekly to keep her at the correct weight. Stella sent me this picture of Sparkle at 8 weeks. What a cutie...

    0_1608324295478_Sparkle at 8 weeks 2 (Large) (Medium) (2).jpg

    I've been trying to get Logan to play with toys with me. He will once in a great while, but not a lot. I was absolutely delighted to walk in on the two of them yesterday playing full on Tug-o-War with a stuffed toy they'd gutted leaving a trail of fuzz all over.

  • @zande - That is great Zande, I am sure that Mku will be thrilled to have a companion! Happy Holidays!

  • @jengosmonkey said in How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday:

    I was absolutely delighted to walk in on the two of them yesterday playing full on Tug-o-War with a stuffed toy they'd gutted leaving a trail of fuzz all over.

    Cute, but you need to be careful. When dogs tear toys apart there is always the danger they will ingest parts of their "prey" and that could cause a blockage, as I am sure you know. A better plan is to teach them that destructible toys are off limits for rough play, and restrict their access to them when you can't supervise. Let them play with toys that won't come apart when you aren't present.

  • @eeeefarm I agree about toys. Good points. It was unexpected. I'd had that toy out for weeks with Logan and he rarely payed much attention to it. Until they ganged up on it she hadn't paid any attention to it at all. While it was funny to walk in on, I don't want to encourage them to much. Deconstructing things is funny until couches and blockages. I'll get them a rope to tug instead.

  • So, this is interesting. Today I've watched them play a new game... It's the "I just saw you see something and I don't know what it was, but I'm sure I'm faster and I know I'm going to want it more than you" game. It's like watching Thing 1 and Thing 2. Now I see how the toy got shredded. They feed off of one another. And, it doesn't seem to take much to for one to spin the other one up. Oh boy. And, I'd already thought they were comfortable. Apparently they feel there's room for improvement...

    Video Clip

    Video Clip

  • @jengosmonkey said in How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday:

    Now I see how the toy got shredded. They feed off of one another.

    Yes, with two you will find this, and not just with Basenjis. My sister had two dogs that liked to dig in the dog run. After one had an injury they separated them so she could heal, putting her into a smaller run. Neither dog did any digging during that time, but once reunited the excavations resumed. Two will generally get up to more mischief than one, but two aren't as likely to be deliberately destructive as one with separation anxiety on its own. However, games can escalate into unintentional damage.

  • @eeeefarm I love seeing them happy. We’ll have to keep an eye open to keep them safe. I’m pretty sure I’ve graduated from Basenji 101 and maybe 201. 301 will require new skills though. Together they are fast.

    Another cool observation is that Sparkle now looks me right in the eye. It took a few days, but I love seeing the change. 😳😁

  • @jengosmonkey said in How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday:

    I'll get them a rope to tug instead.

    Don't get them a rope tug - make them a 'rabbit !'

    Get hold of several pairs of panty-hose. 2, 3 or 4 depending on thickness. Knot them firmly together in the middle then again at about 2 inch intervals down to the toes. Try to have the last knot close to the end. (It hurts your fingers to get the knots done !)

    Then go back to the other end, divide the panty ends into two and tie very firm knots at 2 inch intervals up each so you end up with a nice, springy three-way pull-able 'rabbit' - You will be able to join in the tug-o'-war too !

    A neighbor gets me a supply of tights (as we call them over here) and I made one for each puppy in a couple of litters recently. Mku has several and loves fetching them from his toybox for Paul to play with him and for me to trip over. . .

    Cheap, harmless and enormous fun for puppies and adults.

  • @zande I like that idea. Pretty sure I know where my wife keeps hers. I’ll post a picture when I’ve made it. 😈

  • @jengosmonkey The knots need to be quite close together so there is enough fabric between them to stretch but not enough to unravel.

  • @jengosmonkey said in How to Add Sparkle to Your Holiday:

    Pretty sure I know where my wife keeps hers.

    ooooooo.... you're gonna get in trouble! :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:

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