Here's what I've ordered for Thabo. The fact they seem to have persuaded a basenji to wear it long enough to photograph was a plus in my book.
Basenji Face Mask
I can't wait to wear mine to the Veg Shed which is about the only place I go these days apart from the woods. Masks are not needed there - yet.
Thank you very much!!
@jennie-deden-behles didn't know you were around, Jennie !! Please update all your litter data per email !?!?!
These are two cute.
Where did you find the patch?
Great job, super cute️
I love those @Kembe. :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
I added a new design to my Basenji mask collection! ️ -
Mine arrived today ! I will make a mask as soon as I can get some fabric. Thank you very much indeed.
Want one