Sky Hunter is Happy to Meet You!

  • @sky-hunter - Thanks, I believe that the sire's name is Skywalker N Mibre’s Dark Night (Mibre's not Miebre's). There are no breedings listed for this boy on Zande's pedigree site ( Is Sky Hunter registered with AKC? I noticed that Dark Night is a carrier of Fanconi. If the Dam was not registered or there was no DNA test done for Fanconi, I would highly suggest that you have one done. It is a cheek swab that you order from and do yourself. It would be very important that you have this done so you know his status.

  • @tanza said in Sky Hunter is Happy to Meet You!:

    If the Dam was not registered or there was no DNA test done for Fanconi, I would highly suggest that you have one done.

    @tanza Is there a recommended age for Fanconi testing? It seems like I used to hear that pups younger than one (1) wouldn't test correctly. Is that because it was a urine test? Does the cheek swab have any limitations like that?

  • Hello from Prince and Mom. I love your markings.

  • You won't go in the ocean? In that case you are definitely a full fledged Basenji!

    We once had a couple of Basenjis in Houston and took a day trip to Galveston. The Gulf was totally smooth so our guys didn't realize it was water until they got right up to the edge. The look of horror was memorable. LOL So you are in good company. Doesn't your mom know the terrible things that lurk in water? If she wanted a water dog she should have gotten a Toller.

    Sorry for the mean dog AND the mean mom who won't let you destroy yourself. So so mean.

    But tell her I think you're super cute!

  • @tanza said in Sky Hunter is Happy to Meet You!:

    If the Dam was not registered or there was no DNA test done for Fanconi, I would highly suggest that you have one done.

    @tanza Is there a recommended age for Fanconi testing? It seems like I used to hear that pups younger than one (1) wouldn't test correctly. Is that because it was a urine test? Does the cheek swab have any limitations like that?

    Not true, testing for Fanconi is a spit test with a check swab and can be done even at birth provided you can get spit on the swab... It is NOT a urine test any longer, (and urine tests unless you have a Fanconi positive tells you nothing...)a urine test only tells you on that day if they are spilling sugar in the urine...years ago we only had a urine test until 2007 when we had the first Fanconi DNA test, at that time it was not a direct test, but that would give breeders an idea of possible DNA for Fanconi. After that we now have a direct DNA test that will tell you exactly what the results are for Fanconi. We have had a DNA test for the last many, many years and all breedings should be done before a breeding. The DNA test that you do is 65.00 and WELL worth the price... especially in this case that the sire was DNA'd as a carrier. Again this is a direct DNA test, NOT a Urine test that was done years ago.. you can contact me directly if you have question my website is below and you can find a link to my email. Please consider to do the DNA Fanconi test...

  • @tanza said in Sky Hunter is Happy to Meet You!:


    Thank you so very much, I am reviewing the information as I previously had a dear Basenji named Floyd 1997-2003 that we suffered with for 2 years and I was very careful or what I thought upon purchasing Sky Hunter. I saw this information which says PRA-N @ however when I looked up on the site of OFA just now, which you are referencing, I see the Sire seems to have been tested in 2017 as a carrier .... I will order the test right away as I will pray this is a non-issue. I did not see anything about the minimum age as his 1st birthday is coming up and Sky Hunter wants to have lots of healthy fun! As for the mom she is registered in Federacion Canina Dominicana, so I cant search except I do have a DNA study that seems to be clean. I will be sure to do the test...Thank you for reaching out and I will keep you all posted.

  • @donc I live in Ohio, and have one basenji-ocean experiece:
    Years ago my husband and I drove to San Francisco, up the coast to the Basenji National in Oregon.
    On the drive up we walked the dogs on a beach, no people around - perfect for walking them on a leash. When they got about 25 ft from the water's edge, they made it very clear they were going NO closer.
    We finally figured it out - there was seaweed, or whatever it's called out there, all over the beach and it looked like the snakes they'd encountered in our yard.
    Ohio dogs - go figure!

    Sky Hunter, are you a character? I've heard, and found it to be true, that tris are characters - but fun!

  • @sky-hunter - Is the DNA study from OFA on the Mom? Can you send it to me and I can review for you? You can send to my email, use the link below to my website and you can find my email address. Glad that you are going to have him tested. That is a good thing, regardless. Fingers crossed for a good outcome! Note that the PRA-N is for night blindness, not Fanconi and the N means that the test results were normal. (CRd) - this is the one for Fanconi and means that this dog is a carrier.

  • I have no descendents listed for Skywalker N Mibre's Dark Knight - his breeder is sadly no longer with us, but I will try to find out who he was bred to.

    I have sent an email to a co-breeder who has been sorting out the Mibre kennel records etc with co-breeders and am sure she will come back to me with anything she can find out about Mom.

  • @rugosab said in Sky Hunter is Happy to Meet You!:

    I 've heard, and found it to be true, that tris are characters - but fun!

    Tris are special, rugosa, AND they know it ! My now 6 month old Mku is a tri . . . as was the mother of my home-bred Hoover. We have always tri-ed to have a tri in the house.

  • @daureen Thank you! I was reading in one of your posts that you were getting neutered and had to wear a cone, I have a cone on right now because we were attacked by another dog when we were going for a walk on the sidewalk! I have had it on since the 28th and still have another 10 days! It is very important they don't lick the wound, even if you think it is good for them because their lick is like a scrape lick and it opens up the wound. So I take it off when he is calm and I am able to watch him but if he starts to get too wild I put the collar back on, it has become almost a training method, he knows if there is no biting or licking then no collar. Good luck!

  • @zande - Totally agree, Tris are different, the clowns of the Basenji world... All Basenjis are wonderful but I have always been smitten with Tris... I have had 2 all Tri litters!

  • @zande thank you so much! I just sent you a e-mail with the info I have!

  • I have received a reply already, Sky Hunter. My correspondent is contacting her co-breeder and is confident she will be able to help ! She will come back to me and as I will have your email address we can email about the pedigree and hopefully we will soon have something concrete for the database and that you can share with the forum !

  • @donc 0_1594326262708_E468B715-4253-4FDC-AA2A-7B9CD05D37F0.jpeg
    This is almost the closest I have ever gotten to the shore, back when I was a puppy (5 months ago) and mom would let me run free on the beach. The only other time was when she held me and tried taking me in with her! If you see the pictures of the waves that day oh boy! My mom is just like me though, very persistent so I probably will end up going in the water at some point!

  • @sky-hunter said in Sky Hunter is Happy to Meet You!:

    This is almost the closest I have ever gotten to the shore, back when I was a puppy (5 months ago) and mom would let me run free on the beach. The only other time was when she held me and tried taking me in with her! If you see the pictures of the waves that day oh boy! My mom is just like me though, very persistent so I probably will end up going in the water at some point!

    You'll need to tell your mom that this is not going to happen so she can get used to the idea. LOL Would be great though if we had a surfer boy Basenji! That would be a hoot.

  • You are a beautiful dog as your picture at the beach shows. Be proud of you who you are!

  • I have a photo that is only 1.24mb and I get this message

     Error Request Entity Too Large

    It shows my 2 b's (one happen's to be a tri boy) in the Pacific ocean at Cannon Beach, Oregon. Don't know why it
    won't let me upload that photo. Course my dogs were on a leash as they have never ever been to Oregon before and I just wanted to make sure that I didn't loose them and would have to return to California without them. We will be going back again hopefully next year; but I think my red and white boy Zak is 15.5 right now, may not like the long trip. We will see. I'm sad that I couldn't load the photo.

    Sky Hunter is a beautiful tri.

  • @basenjimom2 said in Sky Hunter is Happy to Meet You!:

    I have a photo that is only 1.24mb and I get this message

     Error Request Entity Too Large

    It shows my 2 b's (one happen's to be a tri boy) in the Pacific ocean at Cannon Beach, Oregon. Don't know why it
    won't let me upload that photo.

    Because it is too big! Try downsizing it. For reference, the picture at the top of this thread is 421 KB, and the one on the beach is only 32 KB. If you get the file size down under 500 KB it should load.

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