The first time I brought Shaye to her vet, he had never seen one before - he told me he was delighted to be able to get to know another breed, and has since gone online and has talked with other vets and researched everywhere he could think of so he could find out if there were any special things to be aware of in treating her. Most vets will go out of their way to school themselves if your dog is one he/she has not treated, I think. He is now wonderful with Shaye and with Gemma too, and I'm glad I let her be the "guinea pig."
Classic B-look
Broke my toe the other day (still think like a 20yo) and walking him has been very difficult. So, my son took him out yesterday for a long walk which did him a world of good (Zaki not Matthew) anyway he took this photo of our B-boy in the back yard after the walk.
Love the picture! Thanks for posting.
Zaki is so ADORABLE! What a cutie! ️
"What? We're done?"
I know that means...."I'm hungry", "I need to go outside", "Let's go for a walk", "You're in my seat", "Why are you sitting down? I'm not tired yet." etc, etc etc.
@jhewell I can see that you speak Besenji
So sorry to hear about your toe. Zaki is so photogenic. We are in the process of getting our B-Boy, his name is Imhotep, we're going to call him Imo for short. We may have him from the breeder in NJ in a week or maybe two.
He’s handsome
Slents, Paul Warren and everyone else with new puppies, PLEASE send me (either through SKYPE, messaging, or by using the email address in the website which is part of my signature block) full details of your new 'owner' for the on-line pedigree website ! I need Mom, Dad, date of birth and the color and sex of the pup. You can also send me a .jpg photo to embed in the pedigree.
Zaki is gorgeous and Imhotep definitely looks worthy of his illustrious name ! Such a shame if these beautiful dogs are not featured in the Basenji database
@paul-warren Imo looks just like one of the Bellator Brady Bunch babies!
IMO is BEAUTIFUL!️ He is very photogenic too! -
He is so cute. I bet he's thinking let's go again.
Good eye! He is one of the BBBbs. We may be able to pic him up this week. We're so excited. Thanks to all for the kind words about Imo. Best, Paul