I wanted to share some pics of my Shango since I've been a lurker for a while.

  • Shango is my first Basenji and he's a little over 2 years old now. He's amazing and funny and super cute! He's also intelligent and stubborn and willful too. I knew choosing a Basenji would be a challenge (especially as a first time dog owner - don't hurt me please) but I was up for it because I was sold on that wrinkly face at my first google search. I did my research about the breed and everything that's supposed to deter you just made me fall in love more. I love their little quirks! Shango doesn't yodel, sadly, I've tried to encourage him but alas... I guess I shouldn't complain though. I have to add that he's definitely an absolute demon-dog. 😈

    0_1554843633970_shangobeach.png 0_1554843645797_shangopose.jpg 0_1554843656489_shangodrive.jpg 0_1554843671539_catperchdog.jpg

  • Very cute! I can see why you love that face!

  • “especially as a first time dog owner - don't hurt me please” Wow, you really know how to jump in at the deep end lol.

    Awesome looking guy, but you shouldn’t let him drive or he will be off over the fields chasing a squirrel lol.

  • Love his driving position, seems to being aware of the road and what is gong on

  • One of my Basenjis never yodeled until I bought a harmonica.
    Then full on gurgle/yodel/howl

  • He looks like he has so much personality! What a cutie 😍🥰😍

  • Thanks everyone for the comments! 🦊 😄 💕 This pup gets away with a lot, as they all do I'm sure!

    @Dagodingo Yeahhhh, that's the truth haha. He only gets to drive parked cars. He honked the horn a few times, oops!

    @2baroos I went so far to buy him (me) a recorder and that didn't do it but maybe I just don't know how to play it haha. I'll have to invest in a harmonica because it's worth hearing the basenji howl!

  • I have found lots of different "triggers" for howling. For some, it's easy to start them by howling yourself. For yodels, some will when they are cheerful, but some definitely will when frustrated. My Perry would vocalize if I delayed giving him his much desired roller ball with treats.

  • What a lovely boy Shango is. My girl also loves the cat tower (give em an inch and they'll take a mile!) Our girl only yodels and talks to my 23 year old daughter when she visits.....the continuing odd quirks of basenji behaviour. Enjoy your boy and have lots of fun!

  • Just go to safari and “ singing basenjis”. Lots of singers must turn up the sound a little.

  • OMG! He is gorgeous ! My basenji is 13 years old and I have maybe heard her be vocal maybe 2 or 3 times. I am so happy for you!❤️You are going to get so much love and satisfaction from your new boy! Congratulations- he is BEAUTIFUL!

  • Shango is a handsome boy! Reminds me of my first B girl. You are in for a wild, joy filled ride! Enjoy!

  • Wondering if Shango does the Barooing greeting, our Molly (rip) always did the greeting, but never really yodeled until about age 6 or 7. We had never had any experience with Basenji, would not trade our 13 years with her for anything. Love him he’ll love you back albeit a little dirrerently. Shango a fine looking fellow😎😎😎

  • Shango is a very cool boy! Love these pictures. Our son had a Basenji girl Sunny that lived with us for a short time and we fell in love. That's why two years after losing our old Beagle boy we decided on a B pup (after much research and feeling like we knew what we were getting into.) His name is Keegan and he's a little over 3 months. I think every Basenji owner must feel like they have the cutest, smartest dog "in the world." We know we are up for an adventure, but we are ready. Have fun with Shango!

  • You really shouldn't let him drive, the cops don't like that ! 😄

    He's great! Shango sounds like a typical B.

    And...at one time we were ALL first time owners...

  • Ty guys! ❤ I've tried playing videos, he listens and tilts his head but he's a stubborn one.

    @eeeefarm He also gets vocal when frustrated, especially when he's held back from greeting other dogs or the gate at the dog park. I prefer he doesn't rush up to get in the faces of other dogs trying to enter the park.

    @Dee-Morris It's definitely an adventure! I'd love to see pics of Keegan!

  • Such a handsome boy. Love the pictures. Especially the second one with the front paws in the air. Very cute.

    And yes, Basenjis like cat towers:0_1554926850401_P3230399 copy.jpg

  • Oh my goodness, those puppies are precious! ♥

  • Shango is absolutely beautiful. Years ago, we adopted a "shepard/collie" mix tiny puppy as our first dog ....that turned out to be a Basenji! She was a fabulous dog and we were smitten...it is Basenjis all the way since Goldie. I bet it will be so for you, too. Kiss Shango on his beautiful nose for me!!!

  • @shango-z You are doing a great job "raising" Shango! I was so impressed at the dog park the other day. Kudos!

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