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You can get just dna or dna with healh testing. Just DNA is about 85 and full panel is about 110 from the wisdom panel.

She is beautiful! She looks like a Decker Terrier to me. They can range from 25 - 40 lbs. Google "Decker Terrier tri color" and look at the images tab, I think you will be suprised. If you read the history of Decker Terriers you will find there is some basenji in there mix.
Bella is a beautiful dog. I have basenjis and a decker rat terrier. She looks like a decker to me. They rarely bark and when they do it is clipped. They howl. Some of them do jump very high. My boy does not because he is a larger decker from original lines. I would love to know what she is also. Finding people with deckers is a rare occurrence for me.
Welcome to the forum. She looks like a Decker Rat Terrier, as others have commented. They are a specific rat terrier developed by Mr Decker. Yes, there is basenji in there, so you have found the right place. If you do a DNA test make sure that they have basenji in their testing base, at one time not all of them did. Whatever she is, she is a beauty.