Anyone know this breeder… in NY?
Basenjiblogs. I hope you let us know how your doing.
I would NOT recommend this breeder. I put down my deposit for a puppy a year ago and still nothing. It was supposed to be born last December/January. I understand that you can't control when a dog breeds etc, but keeping people in the loop is very important; I had to keep asking for an update. The dates kept changing, and then the dog she was breeding changed as well. After a year I was approached by another breeder i had spoken to earlier who said she was having a litter soon and if I was interested. I reached out again and asked whether she thought she would be having the litter soon and if not, I would like my deposit back. I made it clear I would like to stick with her, being that I've already out the deposit down and have been in contact with her. This has been over a month now. Sent her multiple messages on Facebook that say she has read them. Send an email, nothing. Called, straight to voicemail. Extremely disappointed. I've tried being as patient and understanding as possible and now frankly I just want my money back. Save yourself the headache
Far as I can tell from her website, nothing has changed much.
She has only one dog of her own that has been shown (two others received show points through their original kennels).
Checking the pedegrees of her dogs, and keeping in mind that her dogs are limited registration, there isn't much out there. -
@wizard Except now she's refusing refunds for litters that aren't born.
Update from previous post: I tried writing on her Facebook wall about getting my deposit back which was promptly removed and I was then blocked. So basically scammed out of 250$ and a dog.
I was going to give you a link to this thread, then saw you found it. Obviously nothing has improved with her.
Just an update...
Lisa has been known to leave her dogs for weeks at a time with little attention, love, or even a decent amount of food.The kennel in Hagaman no longer has any dogs (or Savannahs) in it - the last one, Sizzle, having been sold supposedly. Of course, this was not until after leaving the poor dog alone (without kennel mates even) for months. Yes, she had shelter. Yes, she had rainwater. Neighbors would throw carrots over the fence, and even buy dog food to make sure she was being fed.
Lisa is irresponsible at best, but the whole situation with the non-refundable deposits and so on is minor in comparison to the neglect. DAYS without food. WEEKS without attention, and when they did get it, it was only for her to come and talk 'baby talk' for 5 minutes while she gave some food, and then walked away.
These dogs were NEVER walked or played with unless it was time to take one to a show. It was heartbreaking to hear Sizzle howling from loneliness (and maybe even hunger)... and it was getting to a point where neighbors from the whole village were questioning what was happening. At least one person filed reports with the authorities, and unfortunately since she was doing enough to make it appear as though the dog was not in distress, nothing was done.
I'm happy to hear that sweet Sizzle has been homed and is getting the love and attention she deserves.
But keep your eyes peeled for a new business, potentially new name, and definitely a new location - and please, for the love of animals everywhere - report anything suspicious.
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@DebraDownSouth I did file with the BBB but got a letter in the mail saying they weren't able to do anything because there was no response on her part, which to me makes no sense. I did contact multiple breeders and anything that was linked to her online as well to alert others of the scam. I had no idea she mistreated her animals otherwise I wouldn't have sought her out. Originally, I found her through the BOAC website so I thought she was a verified breeder, however she's since been removed. When I further looked her up I didn't find anything suspicious.
I am happy to say, however, that I did get a puppy from Veronica Predale who's almost nine months old. A very cheerful baby boy who makes my family and I just as delighted. 😊