Play biting or aggressive behavior?

  • Water works very well for many as an aversive. My last Basenji had been trained that way by his breeder. She teaches all her pups what things are legal to chew and what are not. Her dogs consistently do not rip up plush toys, as they were taught not to do this as pups. My Perry had the same plush toys which he kept in pristine condition his whole life. A little spritz of water, or the threat of one, would immediately cause cessation of any unwanted behaviour. Of course, you have to have it available when needed! (squirt guns work well).

  • Which works better stream or mist for the water corrections

  • @drew82 said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    Which works better stream or mist for the water corrections

    It would depend on the dog. Some might need a "firmer" correction, which is why a water pistol can be good (more range, too). Others just need a very light misting to get the message. Obviously, if you don't need to use an aversive but can get by with a distraction that is better.

  • You can just use the mist. They do not like water being sprayed in their face. If puppy is teething they will bite everything to ease their pain. I have gave mine an ice cube under supervision. This numbs their gums and give them something hard to bite on. It's also a fun thing for your puppy.

  • Because I am tired I will just be succinct about the shock collar and aversive suggestions and echo the others. It is never too young to train.. and the OP wasn't talking about advanced obedience. No EVER to aversive training on any puppy and rarely ever on an adult (exceptions for snake/rock eating/life threatening issues sometimes).

    I don't see gently holding the muzzle closed and say "NO BITE" as aversive, but you must be very gentle.

    Puppies bite. Think of babies... would you swat one for putting its hands, toes or any object in their mouth? Of course not.. it's what babies DO. Fortunately for humans, babies don't have teeth. 🙂 Puppies do. Please visit this site. Mary is so easy to follow you'll feel faint. The only caveat for any training site is that unlike NORMAL dogs, squeaking when they bite doesn't often stop them... it increases it! Imagine my surprise after nearly 45 years of dogs to get a basenji who responded to me with "OH! NOISE! DO IT AGAIN!!" chomp.

    Lessons on left to get you through the next 6 mos... problem solving/nonobedience issues on the right.

  • @eeeefarm I agree, I was reluctant to use her crate as for time outs, but everything I read said that was ok. I try to separate the difference of time out vs. her hanging out in there. When its a time out, I lift her up and put her in there myself, no treat. When she needs to be in the crate at night, or when I cannot supervise her, I make her go in on her own and give her a treat. Maybe that can help...

    She did a similar thing today where she started to bite my legs; it was right after I accidentally stepped on her paw, so I think she was acting out in fear. Luckily I was able to pick her up and calm her down before it got to the point it did the other night.
    I just hired a dog trainer today; I am crossing my fingers!

  • @DebraDownSouth Thank you for the website! I will look at it now.

  • @RooBear said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    I just hired a dog trainer today; I am crossing my fingers!

    A good trainer can point you in the right direction, but you are the one who is there with her most of the time. And if the trainer suggests anything you are uncomfortable with, trust your instincts.

  • @Rlingerfelt said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    You can just use the mist. They do not like water being sprayed in their face. If puppy is teething they will bite everything to ease their pain. I have gave mine an ice cube under supervision. This numbs their gums and give them something hard to bite on. It's also a fun thing for your puppy.

    Frozen carrots work good also

  • Did you ever talk to the breeder? 9wks is OK to bring home a puppy. Do you know if the litter was kept together until you picked her up? And can you share the pups breeding?

  • @RooBear I've never trained a B puppy so I'm not sure this will work on a B. When they get to biting, very loudly say, "AATT - AATT ~ NO BITING! You need to say the AATT-AATT pretty fast, followed by NO BITE (or BITING) & look at your pup when you do it. You need to have a serious look on your face when you loudly say, "AATT-AATT~ NO BITE" as they often look at your face when you correct them. Even puppies can look at your face & see that you're not happy with what they just did. Like I said, this may not work on B's, but it's worth a try! As far as shock collars go, I wish they'd put them on the person(s) that invented them!! I think of it as cruel & unusual punishment! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

  • @Nancy-Berry said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    As far as shock collars go, I wish they'd put them on the person(s) that invented them!! I think of it as cruel & unusual punishment! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

    Any piece of training equipment can be misused, e.g. you can inflict damage to the neck of a dog with a "gentle leader", dogs can be severely damaged by flexy leads (as can people!), etc. "Shock" collars are badly named. Used at a low setting, they give no more than a mild tingle. And yes, I know that from using it on myself. Abused is another story. But not recommended for a pup, and certainly not recommended for a handler who has not been thoroughly trained in their use. Yes, I have used one, to keep my Basenji safe while letting him enjoy the freedom of being off leash. He was always happy when I brought out his e-collar, because it indicated an off leash walk, which he enjoyed. Most often if I used it at all it was for "leave it", and his reaction to a light reminder was a look that said "oh, alright, if you insist". No yelps, no drama, just a happy dog enjoying his freedom. I will shut up now and wait for incoming! 😉

  • This is one of the topics that Shirley and I adamantly disagree on. In fact, countries that have banned them (a lot now thank goodness!) have found they can train, hunt, do anything without them. But like I said before, sometimes aversion can be warranted. I don't agree at all for any general training. But if you have a dog that goes after bees, snakes, eats rocks etc.. their life is in danger and I wouldn't fault a person who had a skilled trainer use an electric collar to get 100 percent proofing.

    I also, before citronella and some buzzing (no shock!) or loud noise collars came along that were really good, had no issue with anti-bark collars. If you have dogs that are going to lose their home because of nuisance barking when you aren't home to correct them, an anti-bark collar that gives sound then gradually increasing zaps beats a shelter.

    None of that, however, ever applies to a puppy, or training one. If you can't train a puppy without using physical punishment, get help learning. This is the time when you bond and build a relationship of trust. Someone who you fear even a little is not someone you trust.

  • Let me know what your trainer tells you!! I have a 13 week old baby right now and she is getting better with her biting but it is still there and I am still trying to get it to stop! I know we have a while to go but I have researched every meathod amd been trying to put them into practice as much as possible!! I started using the spray bottle and that has helped reinforce my commands but she is very stubborn! Lol she is the worst when she is getting tired and her nips really begin to hurt. I usually put her in her cage when she starts snorting and snarling because that's usually when she is getting pretty worn out. Has anyone else experienced that behavior with their puppy or is that just our crazy Lulu GRace? Lol

  • As to nipping when tired: our Lela did that too, she was all over the place when she was tired. What I did, was embrace her in a gentle bear hug close to my body. She would fall asleep almost instantly.

  • Thank you for the feedback! I will have to try that next time and see if it works! When did Lela stop biting, was it around six months or so?

  • No. After the play biting stopped, she started in her puberty to test the hierarchy in the pack with a different kind of biting. A time you need to be calm and consistent, and really take your place.

  • @eeeefarm No Grrrrrrrrr for you cause you used it properly!

  • @DebraDownSouth I thought that there was a No Bark collar that worked on a pitch that dogs can hear but humans can't.... like the "silent dog whistle". When the dog starts barking excessively, the collar emits a "pitch" that they don't like to hear so they learn to hush. If there's not a collar out that works that way....well then, someone needs to make one! Maybe with different pitches but NONE that would harm the dogs hearing!

  • @kjdonkers That was a fantastic idea!! I hope it works for the others that have the same problem going on!

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