Play biting or aggressive behavior?

  • @RooBear I've never trained a B puppy so I'm not sure this will work on a B. When they get to biting, very loudly say, "AATT - AATT ~ NO BITING! You need to say the AATT-AATT pretty fast, followed by NO BITE (or BITING) & look at your pup when you do it. You need to have a serious look on your face when you loudly say, "AATT-AATT~ NO BITE" as they often look at your face when you correct them. Even puppies can look at your face & see that you're not happy with what they just did. Like I said, this may not work on B's, but it's worth a try! As far as shock collars go, I wish they'd put them on the person(s) that invented them!! I think of it as cruel & unusual punishment! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

  • @Nancy-Berry said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    As far as shock collars go, I wish they'd put them on the person(s) that invented them!! I think of it as cruel & unusual punishment! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

    Any piece of training equipment can be misused, e.g. you can inflict damage to the neck of a dog with a "gentle leader", dogs can be severely damaged by flexy leads (as can people!), etc. "Shock" collars are badly named. Used at a low setting, they give no more than a mild tingle. And yes, I know that from using it on myself. Abused is another story. But not recommended for a pup, and certainly not recommended for a handler who has not been thoroughly trained in their use. Yes, I have used one, to keep my Basenji safe while letting him enjoy the freedom of being off leash. He was always happy when I brought out his e-collar, because it indicated an off leash walk, which he enjoyed. Most often if I used it at all it was for "leave it", and his reaction to a light reminder was a look that said "oh, alright, if you insist". No yelps, no drama, just a happy dog enjoying his freedom. I will shut up now and wait for incoming! 😉

  • This is one of the topics that Shirley and I adamantly disagree on. In fact, countries that have banned them (a lot now thank goodness!) have found they can train, hunt, do anything without them. But like I said before, sometimes aversion can be warranted. I don't agree at all for any general training. But if you have a dog that goes after bees, snakes, eats rocks etc.. their life is in danger and I wouldn't fault a person who had a skilled trainer use an electric collar to get 100 percent proofing.

    I also, before citronella and some buzzing (no shock!) or loud noise collars came along that were really good, had no issue with anti-bark collars. If you have dogs that are going to lose their home because of nuisance barking when you aren't home to correct them, an anti-bark collar that gives sound then gradually increasing zaps beats a shelter.

    None of that, however, ever applies to a puppy, or training one. If you can't train a puppy without using physical punishment, get help learning. This is the time when you bond and build a relationship of trust. Someone who you fear even a little is not someone you trust.

  • Let me know what your trainer tells you!! I have a 13 week old baby right now and she is getting better with her biting but it is still there and I am still trying to get it to stop! I know we have a while to go but I have researched every meathod amd been trying to put them into practice as much as possible!! I started using the spray bottle and that has helped reinforce my commands but she is very stubborn! Lol she is the worst when she is getting tired and her nips really begin to hurt. I usually put her in her cage when she starts snorting and snarling because that's usually when she is getting pretty worn out. Has anyone else experienced that behavior with their puppy or is that just our crazy Lulu GRace? Lol

  • As to nipping when tired: our Lela did that too, she was all over the place when she was tired. What I did, was embrace her in a gentle bear hug close to my body. She would fall asleep almost instantly.

  • Thank you for the feedback! I will have to try that next time and see if it works! When did Lela stop biting, was it around six months or so?

  • No. After the play biting stopped, she started in her puberty to test the hierarchy in the pack with a different kind of biting. A time you need to be calm and consistent, and really take your place.

  • @eeeefarm No Grrrrrrrrr for you cause you used it properly!

  • @DebraDownSouth I thought that there was a No Bark collar that worked on a pitch that dogs can hear but humans can't.... like the "silent dog whistle". When the dog starts barking excessively, the collar emits a "pitch" that they don't like to hear so they learn to hush. If there's not a collar out that works that way....well then, someone needs to make one! Maybe with different pitches but NONE that would harm the dogs hearing!

  • @kjdonkers That was a fantastic idea!! I hope it works for the others that have the same problem going on!

  • @Nancy-Berry There are ones that work on sound, but I haven't looked at them in a while. They used to be fairly ineffective.

    pros and cons of sonic collars:

  • @DebraDownSouth Thanks for the links! I'll have to read up on the sonic collars. I just liked the idea that there was no shocking or anything going on!

  • Hi,
    I was thinking of getting a basenji, but I’m not quite sure. I have an EXTREMELY low pain tolerance. Blood drives make me cry. I don’t want and bloody bites. Can you tell me if the biting went away?!?

    Please and thx,

  • @arpaluvsbasenjis - ALL puppies bite... that is what they do in the litter..that is how they communicate.... by mouth, that is where with their littermates they learn soft bite. The baby teeth are like needles, period. This IS NOT just a Basenji trait, not at all. If puppies are kept with their littermates and not separated too early and if you watch them... the one doing the biting if it is too hard they are "yelped" at by the others and very loud too! In my opinion, Basenjis are not mature enough to remember early encounters with their littermates if separated earlier than 10weeks. This of course differs depending on if you are or were a Basenji owner. And if you have a Basenji already in the home, then they will be the ones to teach manners to pups. However they noises they make will raise the hair on the back of your neck and you will swear they are being killed

  • Thanks for this info! And also I do not have a basenji. I have NEVER owned a dog. And I was looking for a dog that’s hypoallergenic, because my dad’s allergic, then I found the basenji. I have been doing research and people say they bite EVERYTHING! I don’t want it to bite my stuff and especially not me! But I get that they will bite. I also wanted to know do the bites bleed a lot and are they big? And also do they only bite until they are a few months old or do they bite their entire life. Like if it’s a year old will it bite?

  • EDIT: I need to reproof read myself. Now did my "No" get left out.

    NO dog is hypoallergenic. Period.

    I don't recommend a Basenji as a first dog.

    If you don't train a dog, it can bite forever. Puppies need a lot of training.

    I suggest you consider fostering a dog and see how your father reacts to it and if it is what you really want.

  • Here is a link to the American Kennel Club's web site page that lists and explains the various breeds of dog considered hypoallergenic. Basenjis are not on this list.

    All dogs can bite. You may be talking about chewing up belongings. We all have our personal experiences with our belongings being chewed up. In my experience, Basenjis can and will chew up your stuff until they die of old age.

  • @arpaluvsbasenjis said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    Thanks for this info! And also I do not have a basenji. I have NEVER owned a dog. And I was looking for a dog that’s hypoallergenic, because my dad’s allergic, then I found the basenji. I have been doing research and people say they bite EVERYTHING! I don’t want it to bite my stuff and especially not me! But I get that they will bite. I also wanted to know do the bites bleed a lot and are they big? And also do they only bite until they are a few months old or do they bite their entire life. Like if it’s a year old will it bite?

    BASENJIS ARE NOT HYPOALLERGENIC, PERIOD. Basenji shed and have dander. Suggestion that you visit (with your Dad) with Basenji is a good one and do it more than once. Don't know who is telling you that "they bite everything"? Go to and read about Basenjis and get the real information.

  • @arpaluvsbasenjis said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    people say they bite EVERYTHING! I don’t want it to bite my stuff and especially not me! But I get that they will bite. I also wanted to know do the bites bleed a lot and are they big? And also do they only bite until they are a few months old or do they bite their entire life. Like if it’s a year old will it bite?

    It sounds like you don't have much experience with dogs, and as you say you haven't owned one. All dogs are capable of biting, given the right circumstances. Some Basenjis can be aggressive, most are sweethearts with family and people they know, and some are aggressive with other dogs. As far as being destructive, that isn't an uncommon problem but can be controlled with proper training and restraint when supervision is not possible, e.g. crating or confinement to a "dog proof" room when nobody is home. Most puppies of any breed are prone to chewing things up until they learn the rules of the house. Perhaps if you are thinking of acquiring a dog it might be best to find a suitable rescue, either a Basenji or other breed, so that you can start with a trained adult instead of a pup.

  • @debradownsouth said in Play biting or aggressive behavior?:

    I don't recommend a Basenji as a first dog.

    If you don't train a dog, it can bite forever. Puppies need a lot of training.

    I suggest you consider fostering a dog and see how your father reacts to it and if it is what you really want.

    Great points and recommendations. I do think, that as Tanza says, the best training is from the litter mates and mom, which is why wanting a puppy as soon as possible is understandable but not wise.

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