• Today we were introduced to the Basenji breed. We went to the shelter to find a new dog partner for our Chiweenie-terrier mix. We had recently lost our 12y.o. hound/husky mix (also a rescue). I thought we were after a lab/pointer mix or a beagle......but my husband spotted "Citra-cola" She was the right size, the right age, and she was a lover! Her Kennel card had her listed as a Boxer/blue heeler mix, but the lady at the shelter said she thought maybe "Basenji" as she had owned one in the past. Thank goodness for smart phones! We googled the breed to make sure we weren't going to be in over our heads, when the picture popped up we had to agree, she was probably correct. he only info we have is that she was surrendered by a family that had too many dogs. After the meet and greet went smoothly, we were on our way to a new adventure.
    So here we are, looking for Basenji friends, insider information, and any guidance we can get.
    Of Course we changed her name to Ginger but kept her shelter name to honor her past. She is about a year old and smart as a whip! She has a tail that betrays her state of mind straight=On alert/nervous or curly=happy/relaxed. We are excited to learn all about her and help her become the greatest dog ever~

  • Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will find Basenjis are not "typical" dogs, but we who love them wouldn't have it any other way. There is lots of information here to be shared, and you can tell us all about Ginger. Pictures would be nice!

  • @Ariverbear Hello! I can't help but notice your name on here! Are you all fond of going river rafting, boating, fishing, etc?? LOL ... I"m only asking as some Basenjis like the water on their body & others ~ well, you might as well get ready for a fight!! If they don't like the tub or sink, you'll hear screams & yelling like nothing you've ever heard out of a dog ... yet! Some love the water & have to be pulled out of the tub or sink! I'm sure you'd get the screams of a very unhappy dog, either way! I just hope you aren't one of those folks that wash their dogs outside with a water-hose! That water just wouldn't be warm enough for my shower so I've always figured a dog would be about the same way ~ for a bath. Playing in the sprinkler or getting sprayed with the water hose in the summer was always great fun! Hope to see some pictures of your new "kid" when you get a chance!

  • Thank you for the nice Welcome~ Um, Yes Pictures....we got a little side tracked with potty trianing/doggy door issue 🙂 We don't have too many yet, and none showing her curled tail....but we are working on it. strikethrough text0_1478103701320_IMG_5191.JPG 0_1478103725879_IMG_5192.JPG 0_1478103741846_IMG_5188.JPG

    We live near a lake , and we love hanging out on the beach. We do have a boat, hoping she enjoys water, but our last dog wasn't too keen so we will go with the flow! (ha!get it?) I sprinkled some water on her face and she didn't mind so we are hoping for at least one bath today to get the shelter stink off of her.

    I am anxious to know if you all think Ginger is a basenji or just a mix that does a good impersonation.... I read that I need to check her toes too for some fused pads?

  • @Ariverbear I think she has Basenji in her but I'm not sure about the toe thing! For her color being almost all brownish-red & white is Basenji-ish. But the black on her muzzle from her nose, halfway back to her eye's ~ I'd have to ask some of the others in the forum as I've never seen a Basenji with that color, going halfway back!!??!! I've seen other dogs, I don't know what all breeds they were, but they had the brown muzzle with the black going towards the nose. How much does she weigh?? IF you happen to know! I know, questions & more questions! Sort of like a "puzzle" ~ lol ! I just noticed that her head is a wee bit rounded between her ears. I'm probably wrong but I think that the Basenji head is flat, well, that doesn't include the wrinkles between the ears but her head is a bit rounded & maybe a little bit big. The forum will be able to get you up to date on all that stuff! She looks like a sweetie pie though! Probably won't be long & she'll be trying to sneak in the bed at night!! LOL!! This might just be a real interesting adoption ~ in a good way! As long as she loves ya' ... then you all got a sweetie pie 🙂
    3 PICTURES OF HIS DOG ARE IN THE POST ABOVE THIS ONE!! Sorry about the capital letters but, I just wanted you all to know where the pics are!!

  • I'm not seeing a lot of basenji. If I saw her, I'd guess boxer mix. Could she have some basenji... sure. But I don't see it. How are the noises she makes? can you get a picture of her tail?

    Regardless, she is cute and thank you for rescuing!

  • @Ariverbear Very cute, but I don't see any Basenjis

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