Take it REALLY REALLY slowly. Be sure to make good things happen when they are together and getting along. It took me 7 months to get my 4 yr old basenji rescue (who has a very high prey drive) to coexist with an old cat. If there is a bad experience, it can set everything back months, so be very careful to set up good experiences and avoid bad experiences.
New obedience title
My female Gossip just finished her last rally advanced-excellent leg and now has a new title: Sonbar's Tabloid Talk - RAE. So it can be done. (Sorry my pictures are too large to upload)
Oh my goodness... congrats... but reduce those sizes so we can see! WTG!
Yes DebraDownSouth - but I'm having trouble reducing the pictures. I'll try to get some up soon.
If you ever have pictures you need help with, don't hesitate to send to me. I rather enjoy doing photoshop, so reduce, remove color cast, put in a frame, just send to me. Debradownsth@aol.com
Thanks to Deb the picture is now posted in "showoffs"