My B is almost a year old now but we've noticed she has some odd "features" about her that we've never seen in other animals much less other dogs.
When she's sprawled out on the couch in a deep sleep, often times her rectum will open up all loose and you can see the pink of her insides about a half inch in. Sorry to be blunt, but it is what it is. I probably wouldn't worry about it except sometimes she'll leak something AWFUL and even worse then she licks it up. It's always a clear liquid but it smells like she ate rotten eggs, puked them up, re-ate them and then pooped them out…even worse smelling then her occasional gas which is as bad as a humans with digestion issues. We can even hear her toot if everything else is quiet enough.
She had giardia a few months ago but it seems to have cleared up because her potty trips are as normal as ever minus one seems to take a while for her poop to come out of her butt, she'll walk around in the pooping stance for about a minute just to let one dangling piece drop from her after what appears to be considerable effort. The consistency of the poop is always normal.
Any ideas of what's going on? Besides everything I described above she's doing great and is very, very playful every day of the week!