• Hi all,

    its been a whille. a Very busy year for me. We moved houses, my job description changed and i accidentally worked myself into the ground resulting in a 2 wk hospital admission which was a plane flight away from my precious girls (cystic fibrosis related admission), loss of a cr@ppy job but then going back to a previous joyful job as the receptionist at the dog grooming salon and that is where we are at. Hope and Ebony are inseperable and theres never a dull moment. moved closer to the beach so they are becoming water-senjis (still in the making) lol

    Enjoy the photos.

    Some pics from our beach adventures.

    Hope infront of the Campfire

    Cuddles and Ear cleaning is a favourite past time

    New collars! woohoo

    Going on new adventures and find new parks πŸ™‚


  • My lovely girls

    HALLOWEEN party !!! πŸ™‚ The girls went as "spider-dogs" lol i am so proud πŸ™‚

    Hope had some (temporary) fancy artwork done to her. She loves showing it off and i think it looks rather neat πŸ™‚

    Bath time, uhoh!


  • Last round of pics πŸ™‚

    Akward sleeping position from Hope,,, down the back of the couch

    Ebby poking her tongue out whilst asleep

    Random Play pics πŸ™‚

    And last but not least…. well the other half was sposed to be watching them while i was at work..... they nicked the toilet roll and decorated the front yard. All i could see was toilet white toilet paper littered when i pulled into the driveway.

    Can you see in the pic that Hope was yodelling at me LOL


  • Great pics. Those are some pretty collars and I love the toilet paper incident!

  • Two B's in the house, what a blessing!
    KJ (owned by Lela & Binti)

  • Glad to hear from you, Lysh, hope this year is better than last for you (health-wise anyway,the rest of the year sounds pretty OK). Love the photos, especially the "TP'd yard" and all the pics of the girls together, so sweet that they love each other.

  • Hope you are feeling better. I am in danger of working myself into the ground as well, so I understand where you were-to a point (I'm putting a stop to it before I fall apart). Hope your CF is better and under control! The girls are sweet and love the TP incident. Always do what you love and the rest will come. Don't be a stranger!!

  • First Basenji's

    Nice to get an update, and love all the pictures of you and your beautiful girls! The painted B is pretty neat!

  • Lovely pictures! What did you do the "fancy work" with? My girls are both red and white and would love to decorate them like that with a holly and berries theme for Christmas, but don't know what to use!

  • @MacPack:

    Glad to hear from you, Lysh, hope this year is better than last for you (health-wise anyway,the rest of the year sounds pretty OK). Love the photos, especially the "TP'd yard" and all the pics of the girls together, so sweet that they love each other.

    ..its been a roughish year but looking forward to the new year πŸ™‚ things have all come back on track, its just the hard yards getting back that level of health πŸ™‚ ..yes the tp'd yard, LOL …the other half was actually sitting in the boat doing his boat stuff and he forgot he left the door to the toilet open, well they took advantage of that error and he didnt actually notice until i got home and asked he what the ?? lol (of course they didnt get in trouble, just a stern talking to, afterall its only toilet paper-- thats the worst they do then im happy lol) although it would have been nice if they done it in the house, could have vacummed/swept it up but it was in the lawn lol did consider mowing but i didnt.


    Hope you are feeling better. I am in danger of working myself into the ground as well, so I understand where you were-to a point (I'm putting a stop to it before I fall apart). Hope your CF is better and under control! The girls are sweet and love the TP incident. Always do what you love and the rest will come. Don't be a stranger!!

    .. hope things are better for you. nothing worse then working yourself into the ground. its horrible. CF is getting better, the girls help out with the physical stuff perfectly πŸ˜ƒ yes it was a classic TP'ing… we live at the end of the court, i could see our front yard littered with white as i drove up our road LOL neighbours might think we're crazy...


    Nice to get an update, and love all the pictures of you and your beautiful girls! The painted B is pretty neat!

    thank you! πŸ™‚ yes i love Hope's "tattoo" its so unique and it looks neat. she doesnt mind it at all. its been around a month and a half now. its slowly fading. thinking of getting it redone though πŸ™‚


    Lovely pictures! What did you do the "fancy work" with? My girls are both red and white and would love to decorate them like that with a holly and berries theme for Christmas, but don't know what to use!

    thank yoiu. We did the fancy artwork at work (i work at a dog grooming salon hehe). the girls went down south (sydney) to do a creative colour course and were taught down there how to do it. its very similar to henna but i forget the name (starts with B?) and so they brought it back and we used Hope to show it off (the girls come to alot of promo's and events with us~ they get totally spoilt with pats and doggy treats) as Townsville is quiet a small country town and we dont get alot of creative artwork/colouring around here (our salon is pretty much the first to do creative colouring up this way, there are other doggy hairdresses that do plain dyes too though). Ill attach some of our recent "artwork" πŸ™‚

    all i could find on my pc πŸ™‚ the pink tiger and blue/yellow dog was done up for the RSPCA million paws walk πŸ™‚

    we also attended a charity event for CF ~ a 5k walkathon .. group photo πŸ™‚
    we were the only entered "dog team" and made our entrance with them all in red bandanas πŸ™‚

    and heres a wet poodle πŸ™‚ mr Hugo πŸ™‚


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