• started barking/whining or crying as if he/she has seen something in your house as in a bug or some other critter. I was in my bedroom this evening on the computer and Cali started looking at the floor and barking as if she saw something. She has never behaved this way and it freaked me out. I had a newspaper laying on my bedroom floor and my basket of laundry. She was barking at the newspaper and slowly, but hesitantly approaching it like something was going to jump out and attack her. It scared me to death because I thought she might have seen some sort of bug or spider or even a salemander/gecko. I live in a wooded area and everyday I see little lizards running around outside and one ran in front of my door the other day. So of course I was thinking that maybe one of them got in my bedroom and Cali was barking at that. I checked under my bed and pulled up the newspaper and looked all over my bedroom. Then I got to thinking that maybe Cali was startled by her shadow because that was the only thing I could see on the floor where she was looking and barking. If she sees herself in the mirror she will bark or growl. I realize that most Basenjis don't bark, but has anyone ever experienced anything similiar to this?

  • Sahara has been startled before and actually barked. When we first got her my husband who works the night shift came in the door and Sahara barked. The first time ever, my hubby said he wanted his money back b/c she is not suppose to bark. She whines also when you try to hold her when she wants down, she is so spoiled. She will also whine when my hubby and I and Sahara are riding in the truck and someone gets out, like to go in a store, or to talk to someone, she whines for the person that is missing. She has only barked about 2-3 times max, and it was when she was startled.

  • <_>

    short answer….yes 🙂

    I have two that bark when they are alarmed...and one of them will bark several times in a row...but far apart..not "bark,bark,bark" but "boof....boof.....boof.....browlwlwlwl....boof"_

  • Jazzy almost barked once, when my son startled her. It was just a quick 'boof' that we almost weren't sure was her!

    She apparently whines whenever I leave the house/car.
    Other than that, nothing!

  • We haven't had Joey long enough for me to know whether he may bark, but when I have crated him, left the house, then snuck back to see his behavior, he whines, but does not bark. He has growled at two of my kids when they interupted his sleep and my husband (yikes!) when he came home from an out of town trip. My guess is that he is trying to establish his place in the pack (we have 8 including Joey) as we have only had him for 2 weeks.

  • I was so pleased when I read this! Nala has screamed or "berfed" and run downstairs when specific lights are on and it casts her shadow. It's so funny because she goes upstairs (when she decides it is time), to get under the covers in our king-sized bed, and then gets scared out of her wits and goes back up with her hackles up - and won't go alone!

  • @JoeyQ:

    We haven't had Joey long enough for me to know whether he may bark, but when I have crated him, left the house, then snuck back to see his behavior, he whines, but does not bark. He has growled at two of my kids when they interupted his sleep and my husband (yikes!) when he came home from an out of town trip. My guess is that he is trying to establish his place in the pack (we have 8 including Joey) as we have only had him for 2 weeks.

    Lots of basenjis growl when disrupted from sleep….doesn't mean anything about pack order, just about being grumpy wakers. Have everybody in the family start calling his name (not all at the same time!) quietly before he wakes (no touching), then have a treat ready to lure him off the couch (or wherever he is). In time he will realize good stuff happens when he wakes up, and will give up the growliness. Even if he keeps being a grumpy waker, at least you have taught your family to 'let sleeping dogs lie" 😉

  • Duke is a barking Basenji. But he is normally quiet in the house unless he tries to initiate ball tossing or tug, he grumbles at us. He barks looking out the window at a dog being walked. One time he barked at a laundry basket and it alarmed me too. So in case there was a bug, I called my son to dump the clothes out and there it was, a chewy toy! The other time he barked inside, that drove me nuts because I was in another part of the house was when I heard Duke barking viciously and my husband just yelling at him to "STOP IT". Both were having a dual at being the loudest! I came in the room to investigate, found him barking at his reflection in the doorwall glass. It was night time, so the reflection is greater with the light in the room. I shut the blinds, problem solved. (Sometimes I gotta do everything!):(

  • What about Joey growling at my husband when he came to bed? Joey was not sleeping but sitting on the bed. My husband got in and Joey growled once. My hubby said, you better not do that again or you'll become horsemeat. Joey kept silent…smart dog! (Disclaimer...My husband really wouldn't turn him into horsemeat, but don't let Joey know this!)

  • I have also noticed that when my son and I who are the primarly caretakers disrupt his sleep, he has never growled. Any ideas?

  • oh and thanks for the training tip!

  • @JoeyQ:

    What about Joey growling at my husband when he came to bed?

    sounds to me like Joey was just challenging your husband for the bed rights, and doesn't growl at you or your son because you provide the food. this is why i set "ground rules". my dog is always allowed on the bed… WHEN I INVITE HIM. by maintaining ground rules and consistancy, I don't leave room for "challenges". my dog has given a little grrr when woken from a deep sleep, but once he realized what he'd done, he gave me a lick, and slinked away to the safety of his crate.

  • Sounds like he is resource guarding the area where he is sleeping or wants to sleep…(I have one that does this). I don't know why guarders warn off some people, and allow others to do whatever they want to them. It is a fairly easy fix to train them to get down from a bed or couch before you sit down, or when you want to sit down. Also, for the record, any dog of mine that continues to resource guard in the bed...as in, if someone bumps them, dog or human, they respond with a growl, doesn't get to sleep in the bed anymore. I might excuse it once or twice if they knock it off when directed to...but if they can't keep from doing it, they can sleep in a crate 🙂

  • cool, will implement the advice…thanks!

  • Lucy barks when she isnt getting enough attention so that might be what cali was looking for. I left the house for a couple of hours once and set up a video camera to see how Lucy acts when im not home and this is what i got. When i just left she runs around the house trying to see where i went. then she jumps on the window and starts to claw at it, then she gets on the couch and barks at nothing and eventually just goes to sleep. if u have a video camera i recomend doing that fun to see what ur dog is up to when your not home.

  • The video camera sounds like a good idea, but Cali is still at the point were she chews a lot. She is crated during the day while I am at work. I have only left her alone in the house for about 20 minutes outside of the crate and she was waiting for me at the door.

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