Rest in peace my little old grumpy man. I only had you for a year and four months and most all those months, aside from the first 2, you had health issues and bad habits ( due to said health issues- like eating my clothes, etc) but I still loved you and laughed at the majority of your antics and you hating being a backseat passenger.
I'm glad I got to spend today with you and take you for your last ride and steak hamburger and got to say goodbye on a nice green grassy spot with the cool breeze and the sun shining.
(Cairo was diagnosed with lymphoma back in July and exceed the dr's timeline. This morning he couldn't stand in bed and when I put him down on the floor he immediately fell over, then proceeded to go downhill. He could always find the energy and room for food and water.)
So sorry to hear about Cairo, no matter how long you have them it's never enough. It sounds as though his last day was a beautiful one. Sorry for your loss.
Heartbreak… =(
Thank you for sharing some of your precious final moments with us. May Cairo rest in peace, and may you heal with time. -
I am so sorry to read this. I can tell you loved him very much. He was lucky to have you.