I'm reminded of the story I read in a Reader's Digest a long time ago: A man's cat was scratching the couch - and every time she would do that, he'd throw her outside. She then learned that when she wanted to go outside, she'd scratch the couch!
Abbey figured that one out too. Mommy sits down, I scratch the carpet and Mommy hops up again. Seriously, and I have never told anybody this because it's a little embarrassing (well, really embarrassing) but when Abbey was a pup before she learned any manners at all, she had been really bad this one day and I had had enough. So, I picked her up and gave her a little swat on her behind. She swung around with her right front paw and HIT ME in the face!! My dog hit me back! Needless to say I learned my lesson that day. No swats ever, even little ones. Basenjis don't just get mad they get even and their humans learn that very fast.
I love this site! Finally an answer to all my dog's quirks…he's a Basenji! I thought maybe my B was digging the couch and carpet because he got the scent from his behind on it and he, too, was offended! Is it just a breed thing?
Dear Pufferlover, That is the funniest picture of your dog in the hood. You should see Abbey in her hooded yellow raincoat. She looks like a total doofus but thank goodness she doesn't know that. Basenjis need to think they own the street when they go out.
I thought maybe my B was digging the couch and carpet because he got the scent from his behind on it and he, too, was offended!
This made me laugh, Pufferlover. :D Aren't they supposed to be stink proof? Duke gets in a digging mode once in awhile on the couch. What is it about couches? Anyway, when he does it, just as he's winding down, he'll curl his head under on the dig spot and do a spin, sort of upside down. Like the back of the couch gets in the way of doing a complete turn around tho. He'll do it a couple times before he tires himself out. I watch this action with amusement and a :confused: look as to why he does this. Of course I think to myself - he's a basenji . . .
It's funny you should say Bandit's legs stick straight out when he sleeps. Abbey slept like that till she was about a year old (she's nearly 3 now), then one day she just kind of figured out that she could sleep curled up. It was weird. There's something else strange about her. She will not let you pet her on the head, only on her rump.
OMG - Duke did it today! Not the couch thankfully. We let him outside, but he was out too long and I started to wonder :confused: where the heck he was. So I went out front and called for him. He came running out, like if he had a tale, it would be down low beteeen his legs. His face and front feet were black! :eek: He dug up the grass along side the concrete driveway in 3 places. The holes are as deep at the concrete - 6 inches?? and very long. I bet there's a chipmunk or something burrowed under it. But his body language that let me know he was sorry he did something I wasn't happy about. When I saw, I said "Oh no!" It was over for him. He wanted forgiveness immediately. I scolded for a little bit "Bad boy!" "What did you do!", but he was relentless with me to forgive him. OK - we had a talk, kissed and made up. :cool: He's a sweet pea. Let's just see if he does it again - after the holes are repaired. I hope not. Anyone want to bet on it? <ggg>:D</ggg>
:D If anyone was thinking Duke would do it again, you were right. I was hoping that he was real real sorry for having such a good time digging the grass & dirt and that he wouldn't do it again - ever . . . :rolleyes: My husband said there is a mole under there, so that's what Duke is after. It must have been driving him mad:mad: knowing there was something under the grass. What good senses these B's have.:cool: Well now we have a mole problem that we have to get rid of fast before the whole lawn needs replacing.:eek:
Do you know that Basenjis were used in Africa to hunt rats, ones almost as big or bigger than them. So this is why your B is digging for this mole, it is inbread in them, it is there mission to get what ever they are hunting. I read that Africians loved their Bs so much that when a jeep was coming down the road they would pick up their Bs and forget about their children. Go figure!:eek:
Do you know that Basenjis were used in Africa to hunt rats, ones almost as big or bigger than them. So this is why your B is digging for this mole, it is inbread in them, it is there mission to get what ever they are hunting. I read that Africians loved their Bs so much that when a jeep was coming down the road they would pick up their Bs and forget about their children. Go figure!:eek:
Yeah, well, sometimes my basenjis are WAY nicer to me than my children are. :D
To be fair, it's far easier for me to pick up a basenji than a teenager, anyway. But if a jeep is coming down the road… well, the kids better get out of the way.
Our yard is covered in moles, and Jazzy is quite content to live in peace with them.
She is more interested in chasing the squirrels in the trees. The only digging she has done is to get at a squirrel that takes refuge under our porch.I WISH she'd stop trying to climb tree and that she'd dig after a mole – I just paid "The Mole Guy" $75.00 to set out 9 traps in our yard, and there's a $30.00/mole caught fee in addtion.
sigh. -
Oh my - that's alot of $$/dog toys!! Hope you don't have 9 moles! But you just gave me an idea ~~ Maybe Duke can earn his keep hunting down moles. Hmmmm - What should we charge? - With a 50% discount, $15 per mole. The discount will allow for lawn repair. One job a week ought to cover his entertainment expenses. :D
This is just makeing a nest to lay on, wild basenji would do this with grass or dirt to make it soft for them to lay on. Now digging in the yard is a differnt story, basenji will dig for a number of reasons, females will dig to make a den for pups, males and females will dig to get cool or stay out of the sun. They will also dig grubs and grass roots to eat.