Red bump on the nose
I would get a second opinion and if they are not willing to biopsy then at least a fine needle aspiration to see what the cells look like. A fine needle aspiration may show something like a histiocytoma which may just need some antibiotics and time or may show cells that indicate cancer and require a surgical approach.
Thanks everyone for the good advice. Kiya does not seem to mind it and it's not getting bigger. We will see what the other vet sayd. Found this interesting article and the bump on this dogs nose looks exactly like Kiyas, so let's hope its histiocytoma.
Wishing you the best, things like that are so scary
This was posted back when I was not on much so I missed it. Glad it is all okay, but I do have to caution that waiting that long– had it been cancer, would have been the difference between -- literally -- life and death. Of course, since it wasn't growing, it wasn't as much risk but nasal cancers can grow internally and not bulge for a long time. I do have to say though when I saw it, I thought spider bite. My Rottie got one like that, vet felt sure it was a bite. It also turned white, but I put neem oil on it and it soon got it's original color back.
We did a biopsy a week into it and it was not cancerous, so waiting for the bump to go away was the only other option. I though surgery would be too intrusive in the nose area.
Kiya had to endure two weeks of wearing the cone day and night to prevent her from scratching her nose.
She seems to get all kinds of things around her nose, just recently she got bitten by a bee nosing around in the grass and was back into the cone for a week.