New Adoptee of 1 Year Old DIESEL in Wisconsin Needs to Form Basenji Train to Michigan
I'll start by saying that at no time has ANYTHING other but the full truth EVER been typed up in this format, any other course or conjecture to some form of a lie is an insult to the current owner and me.
So, Yes, Diesel did bite the woman who was trying to get him to go into an unwanted crate. She is fine, unflustered and sadly, with small children around, she wishes to again put Diesel out to another owner, and that owner is again…ME! At this point all the cards are dealt and it is been stripped to the barest bones of the situation, Diesel needs a home within one week or he goes to the SHELTER. This would be a massive injustice to him as he is just a baby and only just learning....and that, at the hands of inexperienced Basenji owners who really have tried their best but cannot make it work.
My home is perfect and well appointed for Diesel and we can get by and take very good care of him. I believe my 5 year old Pipet, will do just fine with him given time and training and all the love to work them together and help them form a solid canine bond as only Basenji's know how. So, if ANYONE can assist me in getting Diesel across this portion of the Mid West it would be a blessing for him and a miracle for us all. He is in Eau Claire, WI and I am in Pontiac, Mi. I can get to just south of Chicago and back home in a day, this way I do not need to overnight anywhere, though I will be prepared to do so if need be. I will be the point person to get any interested party in touch with the owner Tessa, who is a very nice young woman and the person in Wisconsin who certainly cares the most about Diesel, we need to help soothe her aching heart and get Diesel home.
This is an organization that helps transport dogs across the US.
You may want to contact and see if they can help.
I am out of town for the weekend…but will try to check back on the board and see if there is more I can do,
I've asked all the right questions and made all the pertinent requests. I have asked for a full reckoning of all known information, owners and any info relative to his birth, line and papers. Though earlier posts state that Tessa did not get papers from the previous owner, looking at recent photos of Diesel/Roscoe tell the tale of a dog about 1 year old, definitely still a pup, so how much could go wrong in one year? I don't honestly know, but I do know that he gets along very well with Tessa, she is giving him up because her fiance needs a dog he can be the boss of (for lack of a gentler description - I mean no offense at that as many dog owner's want the same thing). As to what I would do if there are no papers, I have asked for the number of the Vet he has seen while in their care, as a one year old he should have been seen at around 10 moths or so…..barring that info I would opt for having him get a full check up before I took ownership.....if he is healthy.. I am in, some adoptions cannot be perfect and as I am an imperfect man I can certainly accept a beautiful pup who needs love into my slightly unconventional lifestyle....because it works great for us (me and Pipet that is). I am not going to sweat these details if he is healthy is my bottom line.
Dave, what will happen if you make all these arrangements and are ready to get him and there are no vet papers? Would you break your own heart and leave him? I don't think you would so it is important to think about these possibilities ahead of time. I want to see this dog get the very best care possible and I wish you no further heartbreak in this. I think that will be best achieved with eyes wide open. Is there a way for you to get copies of the papers ahead of time?
Wizard, that's so nice of you to help with the transport! I hope Dave take you up on it…regardless of the situation ( which to me really does sound like a young dog who got the short end of the stick and to top it off is getting a bad rap because he's got issues and no one seems to see why). I'd like for you to keep us updated, I am vey much hoping you figure out a way to get him to you...
Hi Wizard! I really appreciate your willingness to possibly assist in all this as it is truly the only way I can afford currently, to make it happen as I have some medical stuff of my own to tend to. As to the biting history, he has been said to be "nippy" and as that was what I used to speak about Pipet - my 5 year old (and incidentally - why is my profile picture not showing up on my posts…or is it?)....I do not worry that Diesel can and will learn through the same training method I employed for Pipet, to stop biting and I am certain loads of love and stability will benefit his personality and current underlying conflict/issues.
I guess we need to find the other person in Illinois or southern Wisconsin to assist us further. A very nice member has offered to throw in some gas money if we get this organized. I know the one week scenario is not a good one for any adoption, but I consider all the shifts Diesel has endured these past 2 weeks and my heart just aches to get him into a chair that is his, a couch that is half his and a yard he can chase Pipet around until he collapses unconscious in my loving arms!! PLEASE REACH OUT WITH ANY AND ALL IDEAS!!! Thank You Basenji People!!
I (living in Minnesota) might consider helping get the dog started on his way to Michigan if I knew for sure what the current situation was.
Is Dave taking this dog?
Does the dog have a bite history beyond the one person?
Will the dog go in a kennel?
If the answers are "yes, no, yes" is there someone in eastern Wisconsin or northern Illinois who could help with continuation of transport? -
I won't have a free day until after June 20 unfortunately and we still need someone to get him through Chicago.
Have you contacted BRAT or this transport option -
Would you consider sending him by air as a last resort? -
Dave, ignore the dire nonsense that the dog will not recover from all the trauma. My concern is more about temperament than the rehoming issues/stress. Dogs who have been horribly abused – in ways that just hearing the details would make any human throw up-- stable dogs recover.
Bless you for being willing to take on a dog who has a bite history. Can you afford to BOARD the dog til wizard can get him OR can you convince the woman, if move is guaranteed, to hold off til after the 20th OR get the original owners to hold that long? Please do contact BRAT to see if they can help. I have a friend who has Rotty rescue in Indiana/Ky area and she may have contact. I will private message you her address... never mind I called her. She said no one up that far in Wisconsin and would take time to arrange also. If Brat can't help, if they can't hold out, then you said you WOULD drive before if you had to and it may come down to that.
I have a friend just outside of Chicago who is trying to get something going for that part of the trip and maybe all the way to me. I will speak with her later on today and as soon as I know more I will post it here for all to see and we will find out what is left to do then. (I'm off to spend half the day getting oral surgery, Oh Boy! Lucky me!) I will be in touch by this afternoon. THANKS WIZARD!
I won't have a free day until after June 20 unfortunately and we still need someone to get him through Chicago.
Have you contacted BRAT or this transport option -
Would you consider sending him by air as a last resort? -
Hi Wizard! I really appreciate your willingness to possibly assist in all this as it is truly the only way I can afford currently, to make it happen as I have some medical stuff of my own to tend to. As to the biting history, he has been said to be "nippy" and as that was what I used to speak about Pipet - my 5 year old (and incidentally - why is my profile picture not showing up on my posts…or is it?)....I do not worry that Diesel can and will learn through the same training method I employed for Pipet, to stop biting and I am certain loads of love and stability will benefit his personality and current underlying conflict/issues.
I guess we need to find the other person in Illinois or southern Wisconsin to assist us further. A very nice member has offered to throw in some gas money if we get this organized. I know the one week scenario is not a good one for any adoption, but I consider all the shifts Diesel has endured these past 2 weeks and my heart just aches to get him into a chair that is his, a couch that is half his and a yard he can chase Pipet around until he collapses unconscious in my loving arms!! PLEASE REACH OUT WITH ANY AND ALL IDEAS!!! Thank You Basenji People!!
Hey Dave & Wizard,
If you can get Diesel to Madison WI area from Eau Claire I am willing to get him from there to outside of Chicago. Feel free to email me
Lets find a way to make this happen :)
Well I can pick him up in Eau Claire, three hours each way and Madison is two hours South. I picked up my last half "B" over there in Jan. One of them retired guys so open most times.
Dave -
WOW! Really? If you could do Eau Claire to Madison and hand off to MOTH, that is half the trip and a HUGE help (all you guy's have to go on my Christmas Card List). Let me know if you can do this and what day's in the next 5 day's work best. Tag the note onto MOTH's last post and also to me at >CHEERS DAVID - From Pipet & Dave
Well I can pick him up in Eau Claire, three hours each way and Madison is two hours South. I picked up my last half "B" over there in Jan. One of them retired guys so open most times.
Dave -
Hopefully the three of you can make this happen, sounds promising!
WOW! Really? If you could do Eau Claire to Madison and hand off to MOTH, that is half the trip and a HUGE help (all you guy's have to go on my Christmas Card List). Let me know if you can do this and what day's in the next 5 day's work best. Tag the note onto MOTH's last post and also to me at >CHEERS DAVID - From Pipet & Dave
Moth has replied with which days she is available but still waiting for Dave's info. Hope he got my E-mail, it's in his hands now.
Another Dave -
DaMac and Moth,
Please do work together as you are so much closer than I am (I'm north of Minneapolis and I would have to make it back to Minneapolis area that same day). I wish you two and Dave and Diesel the best of luck.We are indeed working on it :)
Moth has replied with which days she is available but still waiting for Dave's info. Hope he got my E-mail, it's in his hands now.
Another DaveI sent you an email forwarding everything that Dave sent me regarding how Diesel travels in the car. We are now shooting for this Thursday as the travel date. I also cced you on my last email to Dave.
Whoop whoop! Keep us in the loop!!
Well, Diesel looks to be really happy in his new home. Transfer went just great, good weather. Got to meet Moth in Madison and Deisel was on his way. Dave has a vidieo he is going to post but the site was down. Just proves what a great bunch we have here!
DaMac -
Well, Diesel looks to be really happy in his new home. Transfer went just great, good weather. Got to meet Moth in Madison and Deisel was on his way. Dave has a vidieo he is going to post but the site was down. Just proves what a great bunch we have here!
DaMacIt was a pleasure getting to meet you and assisting Diesel to his new home :)
Truly excellent news. So very glad Diesel is getting a new chance with a committed owner.