I've sat at this blank page for hours today, thinking I could write something. The words just won't come to me, just the emotions that seem to run wild at any given time.
We had Timmy for just under two weeks. Unfortunately, Timmy snuck past my daughter one morning as she was leaving for school. Three days of searching, driving, walking, talking to people, calling shelters and vet hospitals and posting flyers when we got the terrible news. Timmy was struck by a car and passed instantly. Two weeks is all I keep thinking. It wasn't enough. We had big plans for him as a part of our family. Two weeks. I can't let it go. I loved him so much in just two weeks. He was an amazing dog with so much potential. I feel like we failed him and I hate the way his life ended. Where do we go from here?Our perfect dog is now with his perfect Creator. I don't know why we did't get more time with him, but are grateful that we had the time we did. I pray that my sweet boy is now resting in peace. :(
Very sorry to hear this, tears fill my eyes and my heart is saddened. Your time was very short together but I bet it was the best time for him. My thoughts go out to you and your family for the loss of your loved one.
Oh, how awful! I'm so sorry to read this. We can tell he was well loved even if you were only granted 2 weeks with him.
What a tragedy… I know you went through quite a bit during the search. I'm truly sorry that it had to end this way. Where do you go from here? I honestly wouldn't know how to say. Give it some time, and let your emotions sort themselves out. The forum will still be here for you in your grief.
My condolences to you, your family and to Brenda at signet Kennels. I'm sure you are all feeling the loss
I am deeply sorry for your loss…
Basenjis can fit a lifetime of love and energy into even just a day...so I imagine two weeks was way enough for the little guy to take up your hearts.
You did not fail him...accidents sadly enough happen to everyone. Our thoughts are with you. May you find Timmy waiting for you at the bridge.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss of Timmy.
Run free little boy -
Thank you all for your kind words. I was away in WI when I got the news that Timmy got loose. My daughter was in a hurry to get out the door in the morning to go to school. She had the closest bond with Timmy, even though I think I'm taking it the hardest. There are so many "only if's" that play over and over in my head but I know they're just torture. I just feel like we have a basenji black cloud over us. Perhaps one day we will try again. Thank you again everyone.
I shed tears for you. What you did write was so sad…..Keep on keeping on...and when you are ready......maybe if you search on Petfinder or BRAT you can feel like you saved a discarded one. (The more challenging the better for you!!hehehe) I for one kept on searching, and did finally get to help out when I too felt like I let Buddy down by not having him leashed 100% of his life.. But life happens...Death is a part of life, too early for us sometimes, but none the less a part of living....Just think -you gave Timmy the best weeks of his short life. I know you did because you heartfeltfully wrote about him here!
Buddy's Pal (always) {and now Uzie's!!!} -
So very sorry for your pain and loss. Some things are just not meant to be, small consolation that it was quick and painless. So many basenjis meet the same fate, bolting out a door. Like Buddy's Pal says, keep your heart open and the right one will come along for you. Hugs.
I feel terrible that we let Brenda down too. She put so much love and time into making Timmy such a wonderful boy.
My condolences to you, your family and to Brenda at signet Kennels. I'm sure you are all feeling the loss