• Kipawa had a lovely walk with his cousin today. Beatrice the chow is 8 years old and recently had her own stem cells injected into her hips. The results were excellent. Though she cannot outrun Kipawa, she had a great time trying. 🙂

  • Awww, looks like they had fun! Kipawa has grown into such a handsome boy.

    I've never heard of a stem cell injection for a dog's hips, but what a good thing to know. (Don't feel bad, Beatrice– hardly anybody can outrun a young Basenji!) 🙂

  • great pics – looks like a fun day

    i know an agility golden that had stem cell replacement for hip dysplasia. Complete success and the dog is back to competing.

  • @ownedbyspencer:

    I've never heard of a stem cell injection for a dog's hips, but what a good thing to know. (Don't feel bad, Beatrice– hardly anybody can outrun a young Basenji!) 🙂

    Not sure of all the technical details, but they harvested some of Beatrice's (the chow) fat and then grew stem cells from that. That was the scientific part. The actual placement of the stem cells is not as complex as you think it might be. Our vet (Kipawa and Beatrice have the same vet) has 100% success with this treatment. 🙂

  • What a nice pictures!!!

    Kipawa is so pretty! I like the chow, there was a black chow at a chinese store near our town and I loved to come along with my parents as a young gilr hoping the chow was waiting for me 😃

    Really great that your vet is so far with this treatment!

  • Thanks Kim, for the kind words.

    We are most proud of Kipawa. He is more than we expected. 🙂 He has adapted so well to our lives. Whether it is only a short walk for the day (if it is raining in sheets), going to a hospital, or accompanying me in the grocery store, he pleases us immensely. Interesting, but he seems to WANT to please us. 🙂

    It's interesting how dogs that we see when we are kids remain as vivid memories to us. Like you with the chow experience, I saw my first basenji when I was in my early teens, and I KNEW that one day I would own one. I believe the cosmos gave us the dog we needed. 🙂

    Oh, I am sorry folks, but I GUSH when I talk and think of Kipawa. 😉

  • Super pictures of the two of them. The stem cell injectiobns seem a great help with the hips. I'm not sure that it is done here. I must find out.

    You have a right to gush about Kipawa - he's a lovely boy.

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