• :::The Basenji Club of America's Health and Research Committee received the following note from the OFA today:

    "It has come to our attention that there are technical problems with the new Fanconi Syndrome test for Basenjis. The reasons for these problems are under investigation. We are temporarily suspending testing until these problems are understood and solved."

    The current problems are being encountered with the Fanconi testing are a chemical issue with the test itself. Dr. Gary Johnson and his lab are working hard to fix this problem and expect the testing to be suspended for a week or so. ….

    The BCOA and Health and Research Committee will update members as soon as we learn more.:::::

    Anyone have any idea what is wrong, if the results are not accurate or something else? Should I worry that my results are not valid?

  • I think it's best to just wait and see what they say. No reason to jump to conclusions and worry about the validity of the test results because the issue they are having may be related to something else.

  • Very disappointed by this news but grateful for the immediate announcement. I agree with Nemo; we need to let them figure out what is wrong and then tell us all. Speculation without accurate information will only cause hysteria.

    Seems like the communication channel is open and working promptly.

  • I noticed that they weren't accepting orders for the test today when I tried to order one. Although it is stating it is due to a backlog on the website. Odd.

  • @Chrstopher:

    I noticed that they weren't accepting orders for the test today when I tried to order one. Although it is stating it is due to a backlog on the website. Odd.

    Too bad OFA isn't consistent with their explanation. 😞

  • The issue is that there have been several cases where Clear to Carrier breedings have produced Affected. I know personally of at least one litter where this occurred and the litter owner was told that there were 3 cases. All of the tests were performed twice and all with the direct test.


  • I think we all just need to wait for more information. I for one am very happy that the HRC and BOD got this word out quickly. There is no use in trying to guess or the famous "he said/she said"…. Fingers crossed that we get a update soon with positive outcome.

  • @tanza:

    i think we all just need to wait for more information. I for one am very happy that the hrc and bod got this word out quickly. There is no use in trying to guess or the famous "he said/she said"…. Fingers crossed that we get a update soon with positive outcome.


  • I think to tell BCOA one thing and post on the web site it is a backlog instead of saying what the issue is does concern me.

    If Terry is correct, many things would have to be verified– such as DNA testing on the pups to determine if the listed sire is really the sire (bad for owners but good news for the test) or if the test is not accurate (bad for us all) or if there are genetics that cause a normally recessive disorder to be dominant. I know that some issues are recessive in some breeds and not in others, but different genes are at work on those. Of course, they could simply have had a bad chemical but if they retested, that should have been dealt with. I just wish they would SAY. 😞

  • They did update the website to a different status a day after my initial post. It is more inline to what is being told to to the club now.

  • "It has come to our attention that there are technical problems with the new Fanconi Syndrome test for Basenjis. The reasons for these problems are under investigation. We are temporarily suspending testing until these problems are solved."

    This is how it reads now.

  • I agree that we shouldn't speculate and good that it has been spotted early on.

  • @Patty:

    I agree that we shouldn't speculate and good that it has been spotted early on.

    Yes, that is a fact. Kudos to the BCOA Board of Directors and the Newly Seated Health Committee to get this information out to the fancy. We all hope for a quick resolution and information to the Fancy

  • This is such an old board, hate dragging it up.

    I remember following this….but were these issues ever solved? I don't remember ever seeing any kind of end result, or hearing about what was actually wrong with the testing - if anything. Looked through BCOA but still can't find it? Could someone send me a link or let me know what happened? Thanks

  • Pretty sure there is a board post about it, but I THINK there was a contamination issue or something. Certainly have not heard of any issues in a long time.

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