• Oh cool! So in a way Anubis is related to your dogs? Very neat!

  • And this is why the question is asked about the breeders…..because many of our dogs are related!

  • Thats cool 🙂 🙂

  • I have seen some of the earlier dogs in this pedigree-specifically WL's, Tankersley's, Lori's and Hofer's for sale at the dog auctions. I know Hestekin sold some Bs at a dog auction in either late May or early June 2003 but I had a broken ankle-still in a cast and could not attend. The majority of these breeders are or were USDA licensed breeders/brokers.

    I highly recommend you get your dog DNA tested for Fanconi, get either a CERF eye exam or a complete eye exam and a complete thyroid test.


  • Thank you for that info Jennifer! Im def. going to look into the Fanconi test! Id hate for him to have it. And I am about to bring him into the vet anyways to get his left eye checked…on his eye hes got a weird small cloudy spot. Its not IN the eye it seems to be on the surface of his eye. Like right over his pupil...Ive never seen that before. It looks different than when an old dog starts to go blind. It doesnt seem to effect his vision any though...certainly doesnt slow him down! But I want to make sure its nothing serious. Its staying the same size and not getting any larger or smaller.

  • @Anubis's:

    Thank you for that info Jennifer! Im def. going to look into the Fanconi test! Id hate for him to have it. And I am about to bring him into the vet anyways to get his left eye checked…on his eye hes got a weird small cloudy spot. Its not IN the eye it seems to be on the surface of his eye. Like right over his pupil...Ive never seen that before. It looks different than when an old dog starts to go blind. It doesnt seem to effect his vision any though...certainly doesnt slow him down! But I want to make sure its nothing serious. Its staying the same size and not getting any larger or smaller.

    You really need to have him checked by a board certified Eye Specialist, a spot on the eye is nothing to take any chances with. Your Vet should be able to give you a referral, if not you can find one on line. And remember the DNA test for Fanconi is not done by your Vet, it is a cheek swab tests that you order and do yourself.

  • Thank you Tanza! Im going to have my vet refer me to an eye specialist. I dont want it to be anything serious. And Im going to get the Fanconi test kit asap.

  • Of course hes going to get checked but just curious if you know what that spot could be?

  • @Anubis's:

    Of course hes going to get checked but just curious if you know what that spot could be?

    PPM? (Persistent pupillary membranes)

  • @eeeefarm:

    PPM? (Persistent pupillary membranes)

    Could be! I googled it and it does appear in Basenji's. And ive looked at pics and its quite similar looking.

  • B's are quite prone to PPM. My female has iris to iris PPM which is acceptable for breeding because it is so small. I cannot see it in her eye though. He may have a larger patch of it. My boy is PPM clear which is nice since I will definately be using him for breeding.

  • @eeeefarm:

    PPM? (Persistent pupillary membranes)

    Would not be PPM. PPM is visable when they open their eyes at birth. Even with very heavy PPM, it looks like a spider web in the eye.. not a spot. Heavy PPM at birth (when they open their eyes make the eye look blue as it is a sheeting over the eye. As the eye grows, the PPM doesn't, it sort of like a rubber band that pulls and breaks, but heavy PPM is still visable to the naked eye. But again at his age, it would really just look like a spider web. Since PPM is there from the time they open their eyes, you would have seen it way before now if it was still causing a clouding of the eye.

    Could be many things, Cataracts come to mind even at this age. That is why best to have it check by a board certified Ophthalmologists

  • Good info to know Tanza! Im def. getting him checked…hope he's not starting to go blind in that eye...that would stink...since hes only 4yrs old.

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