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Do you see any basenji in me???

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  • That is what we think he is also.. He is 16 pounds, longer legs than chis, and runs like the
    Thank you, we think he is an adorable little boy.

  • Very, very cute! Could be Chi/Basenji or Toy Fox Terrier/Chi…. or Rat Terrier x chi either way too cute and welcome

  • Welcome to the forum Rocky! I too see Chi/B. Curly tail, all white feet and white tail. Lookin good Rocky!

  • So cute <3

  • Thank you all for the sweet comments about our boy.. He is an extremely interesting little Never a dull moment with Rocky around! I have been reading alot on this site, and find he does have many of the characteristics of the basenji breed.. so perhaps that is a part of his heritage.

  • Hey Chideb! Haven't seen you in a while. Rocky is beautiful. I think I have a chi/basenji mix, too. He has a lot of the traits but not all of them, so I am not 100% sure.

  • He looks a great guy.

  • @svdreamer:

    Hey Chideb! Haven't seen you in a while. Rocky is beautiful. I think I have a chi/basenji mix, too. He has a lot of the traits but not all of them, so I am not 100% sure.

    Hey Pam.. small world, huh?? It is great to see you again, I often think you of and your wonderful pack..I have always admired your dedication to chi rescue. I hope Babushka is doing well, such a sweetheart that little one.
    I am basically a "lurker" on our other forum these days, don't post very often. I just couldn't handle all of the acidic comments and egos any It was no longer a site for the wonder of the dogs, but a place where people were constantly trying to "one up" each other. I regret not being able to participate after being there for 4 years, but everyone has to draw their line in the sand at some point.
    Blessings, Deb

  • Chi x Rat terrier

  • @chideb:

    Hey Pam.. small world, huh?? It is great to see you again, I often think you of and your wonderful pack..I have always admired your dedication to chi rescue. I hope Babushka is doing well, such a sweetheart that little one.
    I am basically a "lurker" on our other forum these days, don't post very often. I just couldn't handle all of the acidic comments and egos any It was no longer a site for the wonder of the dogs, but a place where people were constantly trying to "one up" each other. I regret not being able to participate after being there for 4 years, but everyone has to draw their line in the sand at some point.
    Blessings, Deb

    Yeah, I know what you mean. It has gotten better, a lot of the snarky ones left and we got a load of new people that are quite nice. Babushka is such a sweet, crazy puppy, I am so in love with her. How long have you had Rocky? He is a cutie.

  • Pam, Have had Rocky since he was a baby.. Here are a couple of baby pics of him.. he was adorable and full of mischief!


  • What a cute tri head! Does he bark much?


  • Hope you guys don't get tired of looking at pics of possible Basenji mixes! This is Rio and I have tried to narrow his breed type to Basenji - Toy Fox/Rat Terrier - Chi - and Shephard. I keep seeing more Basenji than anything else but tell me otherwise! Thanks for your input!!!


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