Kathy, I sure didn't mean to indicate it isn't a godsend or fantastic! Of course it is. I just meant… well as the Arabs say, Trust in G-d but tie your camel. Get the testing, use it to help guide breeding, retest if necessary, but keep doing the strip test. It's an easy if annoying process that protects your dog against testing errors or human errors.
Cara and Arwen's results
Okay so I am waiting for OFA to send me the swabs to redo the Fanconi and instead in the mail I got the final results.
Arwen was probably clear on the marker, is clear on the DNA.
Cara (Wimauma rescue) – probable carrier on the marker test, fortunately still just carrier on the DNA. That makes me feel much better.
Congrats on your good results!
That's good news, Debra. Must be a relief to be sure.
Congrats to you
Good ! I'm sure you are relieved.
I am. I mean, you hope that the results at least match, but with the issues of some retesting finding other results, it was a relief for sure.
Such a relief that all is well.
Wonderful news Debra. I'm very happy for you.