Eukanuba Commercial
Almost got thrown out of the gym. I'm on the elliptical and they have a tv in front of the machine. Saw the dogs trotting around and did my usual mental "Guess what breed WON'T be shown on this ad?" and then lo and behold - A BASENJI! Which is pretty much what I hollered out loud. Got a couple looks. :) Trying to find it for the wife to see…if anyone can find a link to it and post it, please do so!
And yes, he looked very regal standing on his boulder.
Okay is it for the Eukanuba invitational or their food?
Someone in our little basenji group pointed it out to the rest of us, and I have finally seen it - set the recorder and recorded it so my DH could see it too. Pretty girl Basenji - looks very much like one in our group who passed of Fanconi recently. So glad they are finally putting them in there!
I don't have regular TV (just Netflix; we're too rural for broadcast or cable and I'm too cheap to pay for satellite, lol) so I haven't seen it, but my mom told me about it a couple weeks ago! She doesn't have Basenjis but might as well be a Basenji owner by association as much as she loves my two…..she is a proud grandma to my pups for sure! The way she was describing the commercial and her reaction, she sounded about as excited as I would have if I'd seen it myself, LOL.
I remarked that it's about time they used a Basenji to advertise something in a flattering manner. So far the only 2 times I've seen a Basenji on an advertisement or product, was on an in-store sign for Petsmart Obedience classes years ago, and on a bottle of flea & tick shampoo! Here it is in fact:
Made it seem to the public like Basenjis were flea-bitten troublemakers LOL. At least now they're finally geting a little dignity back :) -
Here's a link to the video of the commercial… -
I remarked that it's about time they used a Basenji to advertise something in a flattering manner. So far the only 2 times I've seen a Basenji on an advertisement or product, was on an in-store sign for Petsmart Obedience classes years ago, and on a bottle of flea & tick shampoo! Here it is in fact:
Made it seem to the public like Basenjis were flea-bitten troublemakers LOL. At least now they're finally geting a little dignity back :)woofless-
here's another one: thanks for the link to the commercial. (I don't even have netflix)
Well I have yet to see it. What shows have you been watching? I'll dvr so I can catch it!
Well I have yet to see it. What shows have you been watching? I'll dvr so I can catch it!
Here's a link to the video of the commercial……&feature=share -
Bewler, I want to hug you until…. :)
Thank you SO much for finding the commercial!Oh, your message is so nice I wish I could take all the credit, but somebody posted it on the BRAT facebook page! I'm just passing it along. But I will take the hug regardless!!! :)
Not to be a spoil sport, but I for one am glad our breed is not well known, or featured in a lot of commercials. God forbid they should ever star a Basenji in another movie! From bitter experience, lovers of other breeds that have become popular have learned it is the "kiss of death". Once something is in demand, all the puppy mills start churning it out and ruin the breed. There is something to be said for enjoying our wonderful, quirky dogs quietly. Like belonging to a private club. :)
The link wouldn't work for me. Says malformed ID, so I went looking. WOHHOOO!
Not to be a spoil sport, but I for one am glad our breed is not well known, or featured in a lot of commercials. God forbid they should ever star a Basenji in another movie! F
Do you really truly think there is anyone on this breed forum, or heck any forum other than "puppymills R Us" that would want that? I suspect you'd have to live under a rock not to know what becoming popular, especially with a movie or tv show (creators of Wishbone and 101 dalmatians needs to be shot) does to a breed.
Do you really truly think there is anyone on this breed forum, or heck any forum other than "puppymills R Us" that would want that?
Gee, could you point out to me where I said that, please? I can't seem to find it in my post…..
Don't the Eukanuba bags over there don't have a big picture of a Basenji on them? Over here the 'normal' or 'medium breed' variety (don't know what it is called, don't usually buy eukanuba) is like that for a few years allready. Have had it a few times allready that someone asks me if my dog is the seem one that is on the dogfood-bags.
I have even seen them in other commercials, but don't ask me for what products it was… But I remember in one of them it was a Basenji, a Puli and a Deerhound together. Couldn't believe what I was seeing, 3 of my favorite breeds together in one commercial. :D -
Not to be a spoil sport, but I for one am glad our breed is not well known, or featured in a lot of commercials. God forbid they should ever star a Basenji in another movie! From bitter experience, lovers of other breeds that have become popular have learned it is the "kiss of death". Once something is in demand, all the puppy mills start churning it out and ruin the breed. There is something to be said for enjoying our wonderful, quirky dogs quietly. Like belonging to a private club. :)
I completely agree, but in this case the Basenji's appearance is so brief, and he doesn't do anything particularly extraordinary (like those damn dalmations!), that I think we're safe with this one. But yes, we always had shelties growing up and after they became popular (maybe one won at West Minster? I can't remember what made them rise in popularity) they were never the same. All our subsequent dogs had major health issues that proved to be debilitating - and we got them from breeders. So yes, flying under the breed radar is a good thing for Basenjis. But it is still so cool to see one when you weren't expecting it!